Personal Story - Level 70 (congruity problem)

Personal Story - Level 70 (congruity problem)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kalico.9246


My main character is a Human Mesmer (noble) in the Priory and I am quite confused/upset about the current state of my personal story at level 70-71. Before the quest “The Battle of Fort Trinity” I was helping Tonn blow up the bone ship and it was seeming as if the next quest after the Battle of Fort Trinity would be to talk to Tonn’s wife. However, when I got into the Battle quest the NPCs were talking about a krait orb and an Asura named Apatia who I haven’t met before. At this point I should have stopped and waited for patch fixes but I didn’t and completed the quest. Now my level 71 quest is to rescue Apatia whom I apparently found this orb with. So, I’m pretty sure that I have been put into the wrong quest line. My character is now level 80 but I haven’t started the quest to rescue Apatia as I don’t want my characters’ story log to be incongruous.

I have really been enjoying the story line so far, and I would be very disappointed if this cannot be fixed; it makes no sense and I would be upset if my characters’ story remained broken. Also since our home instances would reflect this silliness…

Would it be possible to reset my quest line back to before the Battle of Fort Trinity? To roll it back to the right point and get me on the correct line? I wouldn’t care doing it all again if I had to – I just want it to make sense!

Any advice from people with similar problems?