Personal Story Order Choice Switched?

Personal Story Order Choice Switched?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aiglos.2907



So you have that quest where you make your final choice in terms of the Order. I am almost certain that I chose the Priory on my Sylvari Ranger, but I never got around to completing the quest before the update.

So, returning to my ranger yesterday, I went to the quest marker and was really surprised to see that I had now magically undertaken the Vigil quest: A Flower of Death?

I really hope I’m not going crazy. Has anyone else experienced something like this after the update?

Note, I’ve never played cooperatively with anyone. Err that is, I’ve never joined anyones’ personal story instances.

Fear the might of Shatterstone!

Personal Story Order Choice Switched?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Khornet.9526


Personal Story is completely broken. Missing journal chapters, wrong missions, completely illogical mission order lore-wise.
I honestly don’t know how ANet intends to fix this other than rollbacks on story journal.
If they intend to fix this at all…