Personal Story "Steel Tide"(80)

Personal Story "Steel Tide"(80)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aurrek.9168


Defeated arch mage 2 times now and the step says to speak with Crusader Deborah. both time I have progressed the quest to this step yet she does not want to complete the step for me. There is no quest symbol abover her head or anywhere on the map. She just has greeting when you interact with her.

Personal Story "Steel Tide"(80)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aurrek.9168


I guess i was killing him too fast. third time I let him set up and it seemed too not bug out.

Personal Story "Steel Tide"(80)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Lokison.5217


I also have this same issue with Steel Tide. After I kill the archmage (wraith), Crusador Deb does not have the symbol above her head. I try to talk to her to finish the quest, and it will not go to the cut scene. I have done this three times thus far. Each time she bugs out.

Personal Story "Steel Tide"(80)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: player.4390


4 times Deborah stands still after killing wraith, and there is only Greet option.
1 time Wraith stuck invulnurable and didnt even move, and Deborah disappeared at all.
How can I get throw it?

Personal Story "Steel Tide"(80)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GamerMixZ.2478


Same here unable to finish this quest as Deborah doesn’t wanna talk.

Fitness Gaming Channel of MixZ:

Personal Story "Steel Tide"(80)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: EndlessKnot.8365


bugged for me also Beirne didn’t die,and now the mage cant be attacked,i was able to res Beirne in an attempt to get the quest working,no luck.

i knew something was wrong as i had no audio on the cut scene.

yet another bugged quest.are there any that work 100% ?