Personal Story - instance marker issue

Personal Story - instance marker issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jdlawhorn.8061


I looked for something similar to this and found nothing, so if it’s been mentioned and answered already, I apologize.

After the Sept. 9 patch, I’ve noticed a few instances that have their markers in strange places. For instance, my Lv. 72 Necromancer is currently doing the Lv. 60 chapter. The story step "The Priory Assailed" gives the information "Meet Trahearne at the Durmand Priory". However, the entry point to the instance is just south of Thunderhorns Waypoint whereas the instance itself begins with the player standing at the bottom of the eastern staircase leading up to the Priory itself.

I noticed this, too, while playing through the Lv. 70 chapter, I believe. A few of my friends and I were progressing together, and a couple of instances had entry points in Fort Trinity, but they teleported us all the way to places like Cursed Shore for the instance itself.

Anyone else notice these things? I’m linking two screenshots for "The Priory Assailed", and once I get to the story steps in the Lv. 70 chapter, I’ll post screenshots for those if this hasn’t been answered by then.

And thanks, ArenaNet, for the game! It’s definitely one of the best I’ve played!

Outside of instance:
Inside instance:

[VG] – Jade Quarry
Damien Shadowweave (Human Mesmer [main]), Damien Woodstrider (Human Ranger),
Izaak Bezaleel (Human Elementalist), Bruadhar (Sylvari Mesmer), Vyndaen (Sylvari Elementalist)

(edited by jdlawhorn.8061)

Personal Story - instance marker issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gudy.3607


After the Sept. 9 patch, I’ve noticed a few instances that have their markers in strange places. For instance, my Lv. 72 Necromancer is currently doing the Lv. 60 chapter. The story step “The Priory Assailed” gives the information “Meet Trahearne at the Durmand Priory”. However, the entry point to the instance is just south of Thunderhorns Waypoint whereas the instance itself begins with the player standing at the bottom of the eastern staircase leading up to the Priory itself.

This has been the case for a long while at least, and is nothing new. I find it rather inconvenient, too, to have to track through half the map (I usually enter it from the LA Asura gate), only to be whisked to a point right outside the Priory, so I think this marker should be moved.

I noticed this, too, while playing through the Lv. 70 chapter, I believe. A few of my friends and I were progressing together, and a couple of instances had entry points in Fort Trinity, but they teleported us all the way to places like Cursed Shore for the instance itself.

That is intentional, because the Level 70 story now partially happens in higher level areas (75-80), so an actual level 70 player would not easily be able to get to those places on foot.

Personal Story - instance marker issue

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jdlawhorn.8061


Yeah, I did those steps with my necro just last night and noticed that the info for it even says “Board the airship to be transported to Cursed Shore” or something to that effect, so that can be disregarded. The other thing, though, is still pretty weird.

[VG] – Jade Quarry
Damien Shadowweave (Human Mesmer [main]), Damien Woodstrider (Human Ranger),
Izaak Bezaleel (Human Elementalist), Bruadhar (Sylvari Mesmer), Vyndaen (Sylvari Elementalist)