Personal Storyline Bug - Level 80 Steel Tide Quest

Personal Storyline Bug - Level 80 Steel Tide Quest

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Posted by: Tixoboy.3582


This level 80 personal storyline quest seems to be impossible to complete at the very end.

At the very end of the last boss fight, I believe Tactician Berine is supposed to die after saving Crusader Deborah, but he is still alive after the boss is defeated.

The story is supposed to continue after I talk to Deborah, but nothing happens (presumably because of what I just described).

Personal Storyline Bug - Level 80 Steel Tide Quest

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Posted by: Wonder.8675


A similar thing happened to me except i am not even able to talk to Deborah after the fight

Personal Storyline Bug - Level 80 Steel Tide Quest

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Posted by: Tuloth.4813


I am having the same problem. This is actually a pretty long quest so it’s incredibly frustrating to have to do it again. I’m on my 4th attempt.

Personal Storyline Bug - Level 80 Steel Tide Quest

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Posted by: Tixoboy.3582


Tried a couple more times. Nothing is changing. Has anyone finished this quest?

Personal Storyline Bug - Level 80 Steel Tide Quest

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Posted by: Widowmaker Z.4802

Widowmaker Z.4802

Sigh, same here, she won’t talk to me.

Personal Storyline Bug - Level 80 Steel Tide Quest

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Posted by: Kambris.9846


I also am unable to complete this quest. Makes me really regret choosing the siege tanks story option.

The cutscene in which Tactician Beirne dies saving Crusader Deborah is also EXTREMELY sloppy. Camera pans to nonsensical angles and appears to be centered/focused on an invisible entity, and there is a delay of several seconds between when the subtitles are shown and when the audio for them is actually played.

This isn’t even the only problem with this mission.
The part where you control the lead tank and counterattack the risen assault using the pivoting turret (felt kinda lackluster, by the way; was hoping you could actually drive the tanks around heh. oh well) is also glitchy.
The camera will always do a complete 180-degree flip if you pivot the turret too far in one direction, which makes switching back and forth between the mobs on the left and right side of the battlefield a somewhat annoying task. Also, the turret will sometimes fire automatically when mobs come too close without activating any cooldowns, and will make subsequent shots fired feel clunky. If you have the turret rotated to the extreme left or right and then exit the tank, the position you must be standing in in order to re-enter it is thrown off significantly. The range on these tanks is also HUGELY overkill, and you only need to fill the gauge up to maybe 1/8th and it will shoot all the way to the far end of the battlefield where there aren’t even any mobs. What’s the point of that? One more thing: It took me at least fifteen minutes of mindlessly spamming the “Fire” button before I realized that the mobs were just going to keep spawning over and over and over again. Apparently all I had to do was
kill 6 giants, and nothing else mattered. If giants and giants alone are the objective, then at least have it be written in the quest tracker as such.
If I hadn’t looked it up on Google I probably would have been at it for a long, long time…

One brief play-through test, internal testing even, would have shown these glaringly obvious game-breaking and/or frustrating errors. How did this even make it through beta? I cannot understand how something so apparent could be overlooked. Wouldn’t the author of the quest dialogue or scripting want to at least give it a quick run to see it in action, to be sure that it was stitched together properly? Where’s the quality control?

Banana Bagel – [WE] Commander – Darkhaven

(edited by Kambris.9846)

Personal Storyline Bug - Level 80 Steel Tide Quest

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Posted by: Nijjion.2069


Got the bug as well I see Crusader Deborah but I can’t talk to her and the mission doesn’t continue/finish.

Going to try the mission again.

Personal Storyline Bug - Level 80 Steel Tide Quest

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Posted by: fnib.4691


Got this bug too. However, I zoned out of the quest and did it again. The second time it worked.

Personal Storyline Bug - Level 80 Steel Tide Quest

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Posted by: Aramus.1630


The solution is to not attack the boss in his second phase. The problem is that if you do too much damage, the boss dies before he can kill Beirne.

Personal Storyline Bug - Level 80 Steel Tide Quest

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Posted by: nalixor.3179


The solution is to not attack the boss in his second phase. The problem is that if you do too much damage, the boss dies before he can kill Beirne.

This solution DOES NOT WORK. First, I didn’t attack him at all in the second phase, I stood by and watched. Still broken. The third time (after trying normally the first time) I didn’t attack him at all, first or second phase. Still broken.

Edit: I would like two hours of my life back.

(edited by nalixor.3179)

Personal Storyline Bug - Level 80 Steel Tide Quest

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dagok.3948


The solution is to not attack the boss in his second phase. The problem is that if you do too much damage, the boss dies before he can kill Beirne.

This solution DOES NOT WORK. First, I didn’t attack him at all in the second phase, I stood by and watched. Still broken. The third time (after trying normally the first time) I didn’t attack him at all, first or second phase. Still broken.

Edit: I would like two hours of my life back.

I did this too, twice now. The NPCs kill him before he can do his thing. You would think they would script in an Invulnerability type thing where he kills the dude right after the cutscene, but no.

Personal Storyline Bug - Level 80 Steel Tide Quest

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Posted by: Aramus.1630


Sorry it’s not working for you guys. Maybe I just got lucky or something but I can confirm that it is possible to still finish this quest somehow despite this bug.

(edited by Aramus.1630)

Personal Storyline Bug - Level 80 Steel Tide Quest

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Posted by: azurrei.5691


I too am having this issue with The Steel Tide – can not talk with Deborah at the end of the quest to finish. Please fix!

Personal Storyline Bug - Level 80 Steel Tide Quest

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Posted by: Nyda.5493


Would just like to add that this happened to me as well this morning.

This and the many bugged skill points/dynamic events is really frustrating to play at level 80.

Personal Storyline Bug - Level 80 Steel Tide Quest

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Posted by: Seresh.8045


Likewise, rather frustrating actually…

Buarainech – Guardian | Serkesh – Necromancer | Serdesh – Mesmer |
[Scnd]- Piken Square

Personal Storyline Bug - Level 80 Steel Tide Quest

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Posted by: Shiren.9532


I am still in the instance. I have no idea who Deborah or Sam are (are they supposed to be part of the human story line?) but after I killed the boss at the end, I can’t see anyone to talk to. I can’t even find Deborah. What happened to when it’s ready? There are so many big bugs at this point of the game, it’s getting incredibly annoying. I see Beirne, Carys, Hywell, Afynan and Allie but no Deborah. I did see Deborah mysteriously and suddenly standing up when the camera switched over to Beirne getting killed.

This mission was incredibly long and tedious, I was intending on leaving bad feedback on how much I disliked the tank part, I can’t believe I have to do it again because the game isn’t ready yet.

I did the mission again without chaning a single thing and this time Sam died, during the cut scene he was killed (last time he didn’t die during the scene) and Deborah is around this time. I was finally able to finish the quest. One weird thing I noticed was my charr’s voice was the human male voice instead of the charr male voice. Something went wrong and the audio appears to have been mixed up. Are charr supposed to even do this quest? I had never met Petra, Sam or Deborah (on this character) yet all three were either present or mentioned during the mission.

PS: I 100% agree with everything Kambris wrote. That was exactly the same as my experience with the tanks. Camera angles, not knowing what to do to proceed with the mission (killing giants) etc. All of that was stuff I was going to write up in the personal story section, but now I don’t need to. That was incredibly frustrating to play to before I even reached the bug.

(edited by Shiren.9532)

Personal Storyline Bug - Level 80 Steel Tide Quest

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Victorlux.3817


Ok… figured it out … pretty easy actually. I attribute the problem to faulty Charr engineering. The tanks are … terrible.

To get the battle started fire a couple shots from the tank.

Then… set up two mortars… one aimed towards the left and one towards the right… basically one each to where the giants position themselves. Start killing the giants with the mortars… when you kill one jump to the other preset mortar and kill the next. Kill six giants and all should go smoothly. Occasionally I had to skirmish around the mortar but it seems there is an invisible force that kills them and makes them disappear so dont sweat it too much.

Hope this helps.