Personal Storyline Randomly ends.

Personal Storyline Randomly ends.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Freckelz.1763



I know this has to be a bug because his toon and my toon were leveling side by side, story line to story line when abruptly his story line disappeared.

I’ve held off on doing my own story line in hopes that someone would help him, but it being then opening and all, it seems they are to busy.

We left off on what ever was two quests before “Suspicious Activity” (48)
At which point his personal story line all together “ended”, leaving nothing to follow, and no idea how to get it back.

His toon: “walkswithbear”

We tried to go into the next quest with him joining my story line, thinking it might reset his, but still nothing happened. We’re now in the level 70’s and still cant progress storyline.

Obviously we’ve logged several times since then, but to no avail.

Any ideas?

Personal Storyline Randomly ends.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Valdiis.3602


I have been having a similar issue on my character, Zurine Haizea. I was leveling with a friend – Zigor Itzal – and we were able to do concurrent personal storyline until after we chose to join the Order of Whispers and were sent off to Lion’s Arch. Upon arriving at Lion’s Arch, I could go along with Zigor on his adventure, but although my personal storyline should be concurrent with his, I was no longer allowed advancement. Instead, my story tells me to go to “Suspicious Activity” which is still 15 levels too high for me.