Personal story Bug

Personal story Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Blades.9417


Me and my girlfriend were doing some personal story, trying to get our toons in synch, we are both Asura, but on diferent coleges, but we were progressing at the same story level, when it came down to chose an Order I chose Durmand priory, on the storyline quest "Meeting of the Minds", and she chose to advance to that point after it was over, however, after that her story quest jumped from level 30-ish to a level 48, taking her to the durmand base and already having helped the skritt (wich we never did)

she filled in a bug report, and we’re hopping anet can fix this, since she lost a lot of story and also a lot of rewards.

SFR thief.

Personal story Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: millenium.5192


I had the exacty same problem but we are humans i got that bug after i complted a lvl 30 dungeon , it sadens me cause i am now missing my story .-.

Personal story Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ohshiwerwolf.2081


I have the same problem too! I am a human, and my level 30 personal story went forward 18 levels or something, and I now have a level 48 one, which I cant do for a very long time. All I remember was going to Lions Arch through Divinity’s Reach, and I noticed something was wrong. Is there any way to fix this? Id like to do my personal story please!

Personal story Bug

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: apvalenti.9721


I am having the same issue. I was doing the same story as a friend and now my next story mission is lvl 48 and she progressed to lvl 30 Stealing Secrets.