Personal story bug (The Source of Orr)

Personal story bug (The Source of Orr)

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Posted by: Narlashk.5703


While fighting the Sovereign Eye, Trahearne did transition to another phase when I killed the eye. Seems like I killed him while he’s in the phase where you’re not suppose to reach him. I blinked in and dealt the fatal damage, his corpse blinked back to the center and faded away a few seconds later.

I’m a bit upset, it took like 10 minutes to kill him and now I have to kill him again :\

Personal story bug (The Source of Orr)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Milene.6452


I just encountered a similar issue. When the game thinks the Sovereign eye is killed it continues to sit there in the center of the well with 0 HP but still alive and with its determined boon up. When the cutscene is finished the Eye continues to attack. If you sit and wait for the boon to expire after 6 or 7 minutes and kill the Eye so that it falls over dead the quest is still stalled and nothing happens.

Another possible bug that occurs during this encounter is if you die in the attack phase where it sends a bunch of shards along the ground with 2 phantasmal clones when you return he will have regained full health, and have reset to his original point, but the clones will wander around using all of his normal attacks in what seems to be no set pattern, and will only disappear if you can do enough damage to the real eye to make it go into that specific attack phase again. This phase is also one where i managed to get touched once and was dead because i could not get back up due to bad grouping of those ground projectiles(juggled to death with ~14.5K HP), that by the way become effectively invisible after they cross over into the middle of the well where he originally spawns as the water there is a little deeper than in other parts of the room.

Personal story bug (The Source of Orr)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kwizat.3165


Still bugged – tried 4 times eye goes into a invul bug loop…….

Personal story bug (The Source of Orr)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Illumy.7658


Still bugged – tried 4 times eye goes into a invul bug loop…….

I reported this Bug 3 Days ago Ingame.

Tried 6 times and i couldn’t get past 50% ….

Personal story bug (The Source of Orr)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: tomlin.8204


I’m having trouble with this quest also. The Eye is quite glitchy but I get through it each time. The problem for me is once it’s dead, and the guards come in to attack, I have no sound for any of my skills. I kill all the guards anyway while Trahearne does his thing, then I lose all sound completely and my computer crashes. It happens every time in the same place and I can’t complete the quest.

“meta” this, “meta” that. Please stop saying the word “meta”.

Personal story bug (The Source of Orr)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: asuji.9214


fix thekittengame to many bugs I have the same issue and even when you die the mobs leading up to the eye have all reset. Are Anet even bothering to fix things they blab blab this and that on facebook and twitter but i see no action same with the gold sellers are even doing a better job that anet so many emails daily from these guys i thought anet would have had an automatic filter system that could remove any type of certain spam

Personal story bug (The Source of Orr)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Swish.2463


I actually managed to finish this quest without too much trouble. However One glaringly terrible issue I had some similar to some of the others.

Being a guardian I brought Wall of Reflection along just incase it would be useful (which it is). On the phase where the Eye summons two illusions and they all spit projectiles across the floor, I used this skill to bounce them back. after a few more rounds of him porting around this is ultimately what killed him.

Next phase of the quest went off without a hitch except there were still two eye illusions spitting projectiles across the battle field (they were also invulnerable). While they never moved around it did knock Treahern around a fair amount which made things take much longer.

“Gw2, It’s still on the Table!” – Anet

Personal story bug (The Source of Orr)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: bthomas.3605


I just tried to do this quest and the Eye got bugged at 50% and wouldn’t lose the invunerability buff. Quite annoying.

Please guys take a look.


Personal story bug (The Source of Orr)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Beyreva.8769


This mission is quite the lottery. For me the first try it bugged at 1%, imagine the frustration when I saw that he went “godmode on”. I alt-tab’ed to the forums to see if this was intended or not and I found out that it was a bug.
Anyway, the second time I did the instance it worked just fine, him dying, all happy etc.

Sometimes it’s necessary listening to the silence, it could tell more..

Personal story bug (The Source of Orr)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: seth.6387


Still bugged. Tried twice, and not bothered with a third.

Personal story bug (The Source of Orr)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Larrvin.4627


I managed ti kill it with a prolonged fight then nothing happens. The objective finished no new objective, no cutscenne, nothing.

Personal story bug (The Source of Orr)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Larrvin.4627


On the second attempt I managed to finish it. I think the bug was something about my character was in a downed state when the eye went down.
This time it was easier as I used a different tactic. I used bleed so while it teleported and I closed distance it still damaged.