Personal story step Assault the Hill does not advance

Personal story step Assault the Hill does not advance

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Menehune.1837


After clearing the bridge of all Dredge including Vyacheslav, the quest remains on the step clear the bridge of Dredge. Checked the entire instance area and there were no more Dredge to be found.

Character: Marna Menehune
Race: norn
Level: 27
Server: Ruins of Surmia

Edit: Odd. Got the story to advance. My character is ranger. The dredge weapon was not targetable, but just for kicks I let loose a ground targeted rain of arrows at the weapon. My pet started to attack it and it eventually was destroyed. At that point, the cinematic cut in and the story resumed.

(edited by Menehune.1837)

Personal story step Assault the Hill does not advance

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: lady godiva pet.9530

lady godiva pet.9530

bump because its been 7 months decide with a new toon to become a vigil and im stuck with this same problem. can’t continue.

i kill boss and all dredge I can’t target the sonic machine. if i stand in front of it i can hit it forever but can’t destroy it, then i run back along the bridge and it loads like i have killed the sonic but stuck at clear dredge from bridge

Personal story step Assault the Hill does not advance

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: flusen.4182


I have a problem with this step, too.
I have killed all the dredge and destroyed the weapon and I have seen the end cinematics but the quest log still says I need to drive the dredge from the bridge.
Couldn’t target the dredge weapons and walls and stuff, either, but I just kept shooting with my flamethrower until they fell apart.

I will try to leave the instance now and see what happens.

edit: I’ll try again, maybe it happens because I died, I think there was a problem in another quest when the player dies, too.

(edited by flusen.4182)

Personal story step Assault the Hill does not advance

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Jeffrey Vaughn

Jeffrey Vaughn

Content Designer

Are you somehow pulling Vyacheslav from his end of the bridge or blitzing him as quickly as possible? There’s a tripwire on his end of the bridge that will complete that step when you enter it, unless you’ve somehow killed him already.

Personal story step Assault the Hill does not advance

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: flusen.4182


I tried again, did not die, and the cutscene with Vyachislav appeared, which didn’t happen last time. I could target the Sonic Vaporizer, too and have now completed the story mission.

(edited by flusen.4182)

Personal story step Assault the Hill does not advance

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: flusen.4182


I don’t know, he was pretty far back, I didn’t pull him, but he started attacking. Maybe the NPCs attacked him. When it worked he did not attack and the mob around him didn’t either.

Thanks for the answer, though. I think this might have been the problem, because when it worked he hadn’t attacked first.

Personal story step Assault the Hill does not advance

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Maraxus.8317


Bumping because for me it looks slightly different but is still wrong.

When I did it with my Norn Ranger, this happened:
I fight my way over the bridge. After the minor Dredge are killed I see an invincible Varchuslav (or what’s his name) over there.
Suddenly Dialog-cutscene.
Back in play, there is no Varuslav. The Vigil are standing in front of the drestroyed weapon an the log says, that “drive dredge from the bridge” and “destroy the weapon” are green. However there is no next step, no enemy to kill no swirl telling what to do next. I have to leave the instance by stepping over the border.

Did it again and this time after the first dialog, I could fight Varchuslav and destroy the weapon and then came the second dialog and everything was fine.

Personal story step Assault the Hill does not advance

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: eldarofvalinor.1894


Has this still not been resolved? I’m now stuck on the same part of the mission with my Norn Ranger. I get to the end of the bridge, kill the dredge, a cutscene triggers, and when it ends, the dredge are gone, the machine is destroyed, and I’m stuck in a neverending mission.