Player 'Chatter' Heard All Over The Map

Player 'Chatter' Heard All Over The Map

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sgloomi.4103


That is, since the patch, every time a Shout is used, or a downed player could ‘use some help over here’, or a Necro says ‘go forth my minion’ and so on, it is heard all over the map.

This is of course intensely irritating, to the point of unplayability.

EDIT: I notice that my char’s mouth moves every time the extraneous chatter comes up. I think that, every time someone says anything in the zone, it’s being put in my char’s mouth. This is being talked about in the ‘Problem With Talking’ thread elsewhere.

(edited by Sgloomi.4103)

Player 'Chatter' Heard All Over The Map

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Syphirr.3512


Yes, it looks like some bug related to the new code allowing our characters to speak in HoT. They are speaking other players lines. You can replicate it by getting a friend to use a shout skill near you, for example.

Interestingly, it’s always been the same in fractals – whenever the asura npc speaks, your character’s mouth moves. Very annoying.

Player 'Chatter' Heard All Over The Map

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Zappix.7928


This is extremely irritating, I keep hearing “ASHES AND DEATH”, “GOT THE DISPENSER RUNNING”.

Please fix this.