Please Add a Help/Wiki Button
There is a wiki ‘button’ within the game. Just type /wiki (information) and you will be taken to the appropriate wiki page.
This link: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/manual/more-info/the-official-guild-wars-2-wiki/ takes you to this page: http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Extended_Online_Manual
’*Is the wiki accessible from in-game?*
Yes; the in-game command /wiki will open a wiki page in your default browser. For example, /wiki Warrior will switch focus to your browser and open a new window/tab to the Warrior page. In addition, an ArenaNet blog post has stated that there will be “a much tighter system for accessing and consuming wiki content. This will greatly reduce the need to continuously jump out of the game to access web sites for information.” ’
The tutorial parts of the game are being updated, according to Devs, so you may see more information about accessing help/wiki within the game sometime in the near future.
Thanks but that still doesn’t solve the problem for people that are unaware.