Please fix Trading Post font
I’ve been asking about this since the TP was first released. I can’t read the text half the time in the TP due to this bug. Come on ANet, get your fingers out and fix it please.
Yes, please! Having a small interface due to having a large monitor and wanting to see more by making things smaller makes the trading post almost completely unreadable. It’s utterly annoying, and has been like this since its release.
For many players, enabling the ‘Best Texture Filtering’ graphic setting causes text to display more clearly in the ‘small’ Trading Post interface size.
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For many players, enabling the ‘Best Texture Filtering’ graphic setting causes text to display more clearly in the ‘small’ Trading Post interface size.
Well with my high res, I made the UI go to large. I have best texture filtering on. I can just about read it, but it looks terrible.
Agree with Everything that is said above…. Plz fix this…
Is there still no fix?