Please place higher priority on game bugs

Please place higher priority on game bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ThunderBadger.3049


I would like to respectfully offer some suggestions on things that should be worked on and included before the next living story patch is put through, even if it means putting it on hold for awhile. In no particular order:

1. Targeting: It would be really really awesome, if we could have tab cycle through enemies, and if you click off of an enemy, hitting tab again would select the closest enemy. Also I think it would be good if we could click on enemies with our mouse as well. There is also an issue with when you have a target selected, it randomly deselects so that you aren’t targeting anything. The next thing would be to have tab not include yellow enemies, just have those be only selectable with the mouse, because players are having so much trouble with big mobs of enemies and only being able to target the poor moa birds. Think of the moa birds.

2. Server disconnects: This is a very large ongoing problem that is happening to players all around the world. While a small percentage may be attributed to an ISP, it just simply can’t be the explanation for everyone, players would really appreciate it if this was looked into extensively. People might even send you tasty baked goods!

3. Loading map zones and UI : Lately the map load time takes longer and longer to load, sometimes even up to 4 minutes. The map itself takes a long time, but in addition, your inventory and bank load blank, and the floor, buildings/structures, and players do not load. This can be an issue if you log into an area and need to switch to a weapon that isn’t in your weapon swap. Or if you need to munch on that tasty Omnomberry cake.

4. Dodging bug: Another thing we would love to have fixed is the dodging bug. What happens is when you dodge, you do your dodge animation but actually stay stuck in place, and it still consumes your endurance. Sometimes you don’t even get the animation, you just stay in place and it consumes your endurance. My asura wants to go back to being poetry in motion instead of gibberish in neutral!

5. Bug where all skills stop working: This one happens usually when you’re in a large group of people, but can also happen randomly when no one else is around. Your skills don’t work, but there is no lag, no rubberbanding, you can run around and sometimes interact with “F”. Currently, the only way to fix it is to die, or switch zones. (Waypointing does not fix it, you have to run to a different zone.) This bug is making everyone unskilled! :Ba-dum-tsh:

We would be very happy if these issues and bugs were fixed before releasing any more new content, and it would make the game much more enjoyable for everyone.

Please place higher priority on game bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Neural.1824


Number 3 is starting to bug me a lot. My system isn’t brand new, but when I started GW2 I recall places like Lion’s Arch and Divinity’s reach taking only a short bit to load. The time it takes now for L.A. to load is border line with “make sure you have something else to do while waiting” in length.

Where are my gem sales? I want gem sales! Nerf EVERYTHING!

Please place higher priority on game bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BiJay.9830


@1: That’s actually how it’s working atm. you can cycle through enemys with tab. When you don’t have an enemy selected, hitting tab targets the nearest strongest one. The random deselecting might be due to having enabled “right-click to attack/interact” (with it on it deselects the target when moving the camera with right click).

@3: That’s cause of the outdated engine Guild Wars 2 uses. Having an SSD minimizes those problems, though. As they still didn’t implement the promised DirectX 10/11 support, I doubt they will have any major improvements on the engine any time soon.

@4: I never experienced that bug. Might be because of lag.

(edited by BiJay.9830)

Please place higher priority on game bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: GrayFox.2601


@1: That’s actually how it’s working atm. you can cycle through enemys with tab. When you don’t have an enemy selected, hitting tab targets the nearest strongest one. The random deselecting might be due to having enabled “right-click to attack/interact” (with it on it deselects the target when moving the camera with right click).

No, that is how it is supposed to work. It doesn’t. They have listed targeting fixes in multiple patches and, so far, none of them have actually fixed anything. I’ve had instances were tab targets nothing, despite enemies being all around and where the first target it picks is a neutral NPC 10 feet away when there is a champ standing in front of me. Trust me, it’s still broken.

@3: That’s cause of the outdated engine Guild Wars 2 uses. Having an SSD minimizes those problems, though. As they still didn’t implement the promised DirectX 10/11 support, I doubt they will have any major improvements on the engine any time soon.

What’s your point? It’s still a bug. I’m also not investing in an SSD to fix it. Besides, it wasn’t always like this and they haven’t upgraded the graphics or changed places like Lion’s Arch enough to explain the increase in load times for the map and the UI. Why would reduced latency and access time fix a problem loading the exact same amount of data? It is much more likely due to increased server lag than anything local.

@4: I never experienced that bug. Might be because of lag.

It was reported awhile ago and supposedly fixed in a patch, but part of or all of the fix likely got overwritten with one of the new patches. (this has happened with several older bugs, so it’s nothing new) They will likely just have to re-patch it.

Please place higher priority on game bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: BiJay.9830


No, that is how it is supposed to work. It doesn’t. They have listed targeting fixes in multiple patches and, so far, none of them have actually fixed anything. I’ve had instances were tab targets nothing, despite enemies being all around and where the first target it picks is a neutral NPC 10 feet away when there is a champ standing in front of me. Trust me, it’s still broken.

Well, it’s working for me.

What’s your point? It’s still a bug. I’m also not investing in an SSD to fix it. Besides, it wasn’t always like this and they haven’t upgraded the graphics or changed places like Lion’s Arch enough to explain the increase in load times for the map and the UI. Why would reduced latency and access time fix a problem loading the exact same amount of data? It is much more likely due to increased server lag than anything local.

My point? I gave you the reason why it is how it is. It’s not a bug, just bad programming. They need to have a major overhaul to drastically minimize loading times. Some of the increased loading time might also be due to getting rid of culling. Turning down character model limit/quality might help a little. And an SSD loads huge data faster, too, that’s the most important point why it works better with one. I just gave you an option, I’m not forcing you to get one.

Please place higher priority on game bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


While I commend you, ThunderBadger, you have to realise that bug fixes loses a company money (and perhaps a few customers) while new content/gem-store items ensures that you make more of both. Which do you think will be a priority?

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Please place higher priority on game bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Anen.1742


Sorry but it won’t happen. Anet prefers to spend ressources to develop the Wurm instead, you know this encounter only ~150 people have succeeded in so far.

Please place higher priority on game bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shadow.6174


@1: That’s actually how it’s working atm. you can cycle through enemys with tab. When you don’t have an enemy selected, hitting tab targets the nearest strongest one. The random deselecting might be due to having enabled “right-click to attack/interact” (with it on it deselects the target when moving the camera with right click).

No, that is how it is supposed to work. It doesn’t. They have listed targeting fixes in multiple patches and, so far, none of them have actually fixed anything. I’ve had instances were tab targets nothing, despite enemies being all around and where the first target it picks is a neutral NPC 10 feet away when there is a champ standing in front of me. Trust me, it’s still broken.

Yes, targeting is still broken, just it may not be so perceptible depending on your settings. Look this thread:

Please place higher priority on game bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Max Gladius.6930

Max Gladius.6930

I am confused on the “focus on new content over anything” situation…. here is why I am confused on it all….

Dedicated long term players
1. Want the game to play as “designed / described” – focused on enjoying the game when it works correctly, new content is good, but rather be able to press “C” and actually be the closest hostile enemy…
2. AP farmers – deal with randomness as long as new content = new AP = who cares about old content not working as designed I have to keep up with everyone else…

Casual Players
1. Don’t really know what are flaws and what is broken… You see a lot of these players in Lions Arch asking why they cant complete their story mission, or if everyone else just got disconnected…
2. Gave up on AP earnings some time ago because the gap is so huge and just want something to do with 30 mins or so of their evening…

New Players:
1. Got the game on sale, and wanted to try it out… like the idea of new content every 2 weeks, but once the honey moon is over will they stay around?
2. Friends told them about the game and thought they would give it a go.

I see the following has been happening and will continue to happen…
1. Dedicated players leaving the game or venting on the forums because they want to love GW2 and want it to work as “designed”
2. AP Farmers praying to keep up with the new content, but are going crazy because the only way it seems to keep up is to find the latest exploit / glitch… because so much of the new content is falling into the broken content category..
3. Casual Players – will notice that the teams they use to run with are dying out… there are whole map areas in game that are already empty, if there isn’t some event up, good luck finding others to join you on some things.
4. New players will become less because less friends of theirs playing, and the game has been out for a year and a half already. Or, when they attempt to make a party to do stuff they will find no one in the zone, and shift back to whatever they were doing…

I think ANet better start acting quick or they will soon find they have lost the player base that is still dealing with the punches…
There will always be other games out there, and the next fresh one (which is sure to have problems too) may just grab the eye of some of the dedicated players who really wanted to see Guild Wars 2 succeed.

Few Suggestions:
1. More rewards for helping others with their hearts and missions…. This could be “you are in party with a player who just completed this Heart or Personal Story, you receive X amount of Karma and or coin”
2. Fix the content so that you don’t have everyone finding work arounds and or glitches to actually allow them to complete tasks. “Work Arounds and tricks are not the answer, especially when it comes to wanting to patch the work around instead of making the game playable”
3. Adequate rewards – this is a very wide open topic… one thing that is bothersome is how can a lvl 35 fractal land you only 1.3 gold (can expect this to take 2 hrs or so) Yet a dungeon you can non speed run under 30 minutes due to ease of it lands you 1 gold. Both are only 1 time per day.

Please place higher priority on game bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: KyreneZA.8617


3. Adequate rewards – this is a very wide open topic… one thing that is bothersome is how can a lvl 35 fractal land you only 1.3 gold (can expect this to take 2 hrs or so) Yet a dungeon you can non speed run under 30 minutes due to ease of it lands you 1 gold. Both are only 1 time per day.

Or how spending 5 minutes on the TP can nett a casual player/trader like me 2.4 gold, but doing (when I can actually be bothered these days) the Claw of Jormag event (takes about 20 minutes) netts me a yellow, 4 greens and 2 blues once per day. This is the stingiest (in-game rewards-wise) game I have ever played. It’s easier to make gold through and buy “other people’s lucky drops” off the TP.

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Please place higher priority on game bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ThunderBadger.3049


Would really like to hear a dev response about this. Even if it’s just to say that there are reasons that they can’t work on these bugs, I’d like to hear them.

Please place higher priority on game bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ThunderBadger.3049


Well, I guess I have my answer, I posted about 3 weeks ago. New living story released today, no old bugs fixed, no response from a dev to even acknowledge that they might be working on them. This honestly makes me feel like dirt.

Please place higher priority on game bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: shadow.6174


*nods sadly in agreement* Patch notes only says about fixes on WvW and Wurm, "coincidently" they are related to the new content... >.>

Please place higher priority on game bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


6. dungeon exploits (too much writing to describe them all)
7. lupicus aoe’s still not appearing / appearing 0.1sec before hitting ground
8. lupicus sometimes hits in melee with his ranged projectile
9. warrior still gets buffs and other classes nerfs (it should be considered a thinking-bug rly)
10. necro being useless in dungeons
11. ranger sword and greatsword autoattack
12. lfg merge bug
13. fix fgs as it makes the game trivial
14. mesmer wardens
15. mesmer #3 sword
16. mesmer temporal curtain

Please place higher priority on game bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: dagrdagaz.4913


I find sad and pathetic that Anet still considers more important to create kitten LS content, instead of fixing bugs and broken things.

So yes i am disappointed that yesterdays update only has new LS content.

Please place higher priority on game bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sandpit.3467


@1 I am not too bothered if ANet chooses some loony algorithm to auto-select the priority, they must know better than me that the neutral deer wandering around in the background is more important for me to kill than the Ettin that’s bashing my brains out. But, when I map a key to select closest target, that’s what I want, closest target, no algorithm needed, I already have a (tab) key for select random unsuitable target, I don’t need another.