PoF doesnt have access to masteries

PoF doesnt have access to masteries

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Posted by: ndresserpof.3709


Just got my first character to level 80 and I am unable to see core tyria masteries to train? It says masteries can be trained by level-80 characters with access to expansion content. Will I have to wait until September to train core masteries? I was hoping to work on them before the expansion came out.

PoF doesnt have access to masteries

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Posted by: Stitch.1794


Assuming it works the same way as with HoT then yes, you’ll need to wait for PoF to be released, and complete the first PoF story instance to unlock core masteries. Alternatively, you could purchase HoT and complete its first story instance to unlock them now.

PoF doesnt have access to masteries

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ndresserpof.3709


The mastery system didn’t exist then though. I was just hoping to get the fractals one so that i can progress further without armor yet.

PoF doesnt have access to masteries

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Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Core Masteries were introduced with Heart of Thorns. Masteries are expansion-exclusive content. Path of Fire is not yet accessible, so you have to wait for launch to access Masterires, or, as stated above, purchase Heart of Thorns.

Do be aware: You need Mastery Points to unlock Mastery Track features, and it takes some time to acquire all that you need (although they have just added some easier ones in Core Tyria).

Good luck.

PoF doesnt have access to masteries

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: onevstheworld.2419


In HoT, even when the expansion went live, we still had to finish an early story step before the core Tyrian (and HoT) masteries were unlocked.