Portal Invasion Closer tracking bugged
I have completed the Invasion Event 7 times now and am still stuck on 4/5 for the Vorpp achievement. The times that it didn’t count I was also booted out of the game at some point. If this is truly the thing that causes it not to count we will just have to hope we don’t get randomly disconnected or booted out of the game otherwise, as just happened to me with 5 minutes left on the event.
Edit: The Worldwide Invasion Responder and Invasion Canceler achievements also didn’t get upped.
(edited by dutchiez.7502)
I have the same issue. Been to 3 invasions, all in the overflow.. it have only counted me 1 time.
Not sure if it’s bugged in Wordwide Invasion Responder or not, since i’ve only been to one map (since i dont have all day to play, and when i log on.. it’s the same kitten map as last time that’s active, i better go for it, or don’t do any at all :/)
ive been at 4-5 events,only counted 2 and I am pretty sure I got booted out of all but 1.
Succeeded 3 of them but all guides say you don’t even need to succeed. I was at the end of each event.
Replied my experience in this post:
It is not bugged
“Portal Invasion Closer” and “Invasion Canceller” are two different achievements, Mormegil.
“Portal Invasion Closer” supposedly does not require five distinct maps, whereas “Invasion Canceller” requires all 13 separate maps.
My “Portal Invasion Closer” is stuck on 4/5 too, I think I’v done 6-7 now, not 100% sure.
I know I’v done 5, because my “Invasion Canceler” is on 5/13
I did another invasion with another character, on a new map, this time it worked, and I got the 5 of 5 in “Portal Invasion Closer”
The other two “Invasion Canceler” & “Worldwide Invasion Responder” are on 6, so why “Portal Invasion Closer” didn’t count before now, must have been a bug.