(Poss. Bug) Duplicate Mini Collector?
I am attaching a screenshot for reference. As you can see, Miniature Collector for Sets 1 and 2 are listed twice, with one Set 2 achievement being higher than the other, most likely because I had obtained some new Set 2 minis after the patch.
no bug …
first achivement is the old one … it works with the collection at bank … that is no more possible
the other achivement is the new one … it works with mini unlock at wardrobe
because the two different systems are not compatible the new achievement ist necessary
(new set2 is higher because in the old one the max achievement was lower than max minis at set2)
(edited by ANGELofPAIN.4809)
Hrm, still doesn’t really make sense… I mean, the rewards are exactly the same, right down to the title awarded from Set 1. Why didn’t they just reprogram the conditions for the original achievements?