Preview at dungeon armor vendors

Preview at dungeon armor vendors

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Borleone.7394



I have encountered a bug when I tried to preview the dungeon sets at the vendors in LA. It worked fine at head-start and for the first 2-3 months. Than I didn’t look at the vendors, as a casual player I was far from lvl 80.

Now I see one set of armor at every vendor. Can’t say which one, but I will post it when I get home and have a look. The same armor set at every dungeon set vendor, 1 for light, 1 for medium and 1 for heavy. But no difference between Arah and Twilight Arbor, nor any other. I guess it’s a bug on my side, otherwise I would have found a topic on this sub-forum.

How can I fix it? Does it affect what armor I get from the vendor or the preview is the only thing that is broken?

Any help or suggestion is welcome!
Keep up the good work, I love the game!

Preview at dungeon armor vendors

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ExTribble.7108


I just previewed them fine. Are you sure you’re looking at the exotics? All of the rare versions of the dungeon armors share appearances in all dungeons. The exotics are the ones that have the unique skins.

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Preview at dungeon armor vendors

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Borleone.7394


Thx ExTribble. You are right. Don’t know how could I miss that. I feel like a moron…. Sorry for opening a topic without any use. Please close this topic.