Previously unlocked dye is now locked

Previously unlocked dye is now locked

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shiera.3152



I was creating new armour and (since all armour is by default undyed) I went to my dye panel and selected the previous dyes (So my new armour would be the same colour as my previous armour), and one of the dyes used on my current dye was locked.
I previously used the dye and still have a piece of the armour which it was applied to (So it was evidently unlocked, as I have used it to dye my currently equipped armour).
In addition my character has been using the same dyes since before she was lvl30 (The armours level requirement).

I have lost a dye (a dye that was unlocked has now become re-locked).
The dye in question was ‘Lipstick’

As far as I can tell this only affects one dye, however my uncommon dye list does look shorter now than I thought it was, so I may have lost more than one (Although this is just a feeling and I have no proof).

The armour in question was the ‘Strong Magician Legs of the Traveler’, a level up reward for lvl33, and is ‘Soulbound on acquire’ and is soulbound
(Hence I must have been the one to dye the armour, hence I had the dye unlocked, since it is now locked I have lost the dye)

My character is a Lvl34 Elementalist Human Female

The other armour my character is wearing was the armour I replaced my old set with, level 25 and 30 crafted armour (via Tailor), I salvaged the previous armour before going to the dye screen and hence have none of it left except two pieces.
This includes my foot armour, which I notice now has a dye slot set to dye remover, whereas previously I’m sure it was dyed. I therefore have the feeling like I have lost multiple dyes, although again I have no proof.
The foot armour is ‘Blessed Steps’, a Level30 reward from the personal story, and is Account bound by default.

I have heard that it is possible that some armour pieces can come pre-dyed however I can’t find what the default colours for story-armour is.
I assume it is undyed (i.e. has Dye-remover applied everywhere), and since the colour matches my characters colour style perfectly I think this unlikely, especially as Lipstick is an uncommon dye.
If somebody can show me the default colour of the armour is Lipstick then it’s just me being misinformed, but I think I have lost a dye, possibly several.

Relogging does not help.
It may also be worth noting that I had purchased HoT off of the gem store that day, and the gems associated hadn’t been delivered yet, so the transaction wasn’t fully complete (as far as I see it). I hope this is not what caused me to lose a dye though.


A simple Vabbian who mainly does World Boss tours. I go by Shiera or Arisais.
I used to like to scout in WvW before the participation changes.
Also a Skritt-like hoarder of shinies.

Previously unlocked dye is now locked

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Inculpatus cedo.9234

Inculpatus cedo.9234

Some armors do come pre-dyed. The Light story armor does come in those colors.

Lipstick is a Rare dye, rather than Uncommon.