Problem in chat window - can't talk?
Yeah I had no issues until I entered the Grove, then lost all ability to use any channel except emote.
Same here. I was nowhere near the grove.
Mine actually seems Grove-related as well. I had at least one if not more characters parked there, as it’s my favorite hub for TP/Bank/Crafting.
I’m having the same problem now. Things worked fine for a while but suddenly quit. I tried to whisper someone and got message the they were not online but I saw them moving in the game.
Same for me… no chat…
Locally, we have been “emoting” in order to talk to each other (i.e. type /emote and then what you’re going to say)
but trying to whisper a guildie on another server is not possible, along with /say, /map, /party, and /guild.
Having the same issue, started in the Grove as well when i relogged. now i cant talk in any map.
I also can’t use chat, also when I try and whisper a person it says they are not online although I am in a party with them. I can however still send mails
The same thing is happening to me. I just changed my crystals into charges and now I cant chat, reply, but I can read them all. Anyone know how to fix it?
I am now also experiencing this.
I was able to type earlier in all channels (party, say, guild and map). I crafted an Ascended sword, and skinned it, since then am unable to type anything.
Since I wanted to use one of the “Super” skins (Super Sword Skin) it would not skin in the normal way by double-clicking the item. I had to right-click and add to wardrobe. I then already had transmutation crystals in my bank which I converted to the new transmute point things, and used one point to skin my new sword. It worked but somehow bugged my chat.
Thanks for early reply plaguing me too. If details help: me and my friend were testing new traits in a privet Forest of Nif server, then he was unable to msg me and started using /me and mail to communicate. I considered it was a problem on my end and told him to re log with me. when I came back on I was in the same situation.
“Maybe I was the illusion all along!”
I saw a lot of the posts were Grove-related but I’ve been in Divinty’s Reach and Gendarran Fields mostly and it’s affecting me too. :\ Although I probably logged a character or 2 that was just sitting in the grove for the WvW XP and armor skins. Glad to see that they know and are working on a fix.
I was fine for about an hour after I downloaded the patch but now I can’t talk in /party, /guild or /map. Nor can I /whisper. However, I can still send in game mail.
I hope ANet fixes this soon. :/
The chat isn’t working on my end either. It started as soon as I installed the latest patch, and has continually messed up gameplay. Its very hard to play guild wars WvW or PvP without chat.
My fiance and I are both experiencing this bug I am going to have a friend long in a see if he has it too.
Same here, can’t talk to anyone or in any channel. :/
I am having the same problem here, glad to see it is not just me. I am sure it will get fixed soon enough.
Same here, cant talk anywhere. tried relogging, restarting, going other map etc.. nothing works.. cant even tlak in saychat..
I cannot do this either! I am not sure what is going on…
same here, I “can’t speak” in chat window. I’m using win 7 64bit. I’ve tried /map /whisper /chat and none of them work.
I cannot chat either. It also says when whispering someone that they are not online.
I think it was related to picking up a guild banner boost. Maybe? I did pick one up.
I went from not being able to chat at all to not being able to chat nor see anyone else chatting.
Add me to the list. I sent in a help ticket before I saw this thread.
Yup I can’t talk also.but the /rank laugh sit and cry still work.
I think because of this bug I’ve become in RPer. I’ve been /e to communicate my thoughts. Not sure if anyone can see them though.
Guess I need to add my name to the list of this bug effecting people
Yea was able to chat to people earlier. But after relogging on all of my alt I can not. it is frustraiting.
“Quoth the raven nevermore”
Platinum Scout: 300% MF
Chat doesnt work for me as well and when i try whisper someone also get the messsage the person is not online.
Did not submit a ticket because iof this thread
Desolation since Beta
same, and its just getting worse, more and more people are now getting the bug from when the patch first came out. Also need to note that a bug with the guild bank seems to be associated with this as well. its like this with all guilds. Daily also reset when it shouldnt have for me, i had closed my client to see if it would fix the chat bug but came back to a resetted daily an hour after reset.
Changing computers does not fix this bug either
(edited by Silitha The Mystical.5480)
Add me to this group, can´t use any of the chats.
My wife wasn’t having the issue so I asked her to log into a toon i the Grove. Now she’s having the same problem.
~Dr. Seuss
Same issue here as well. HELP!
Same issue, it seemed to have started after I accessed my account vault.
Isle of Janthir
Giff Me Mana – [GIFF]/Chaotic Vanguard – [CV]
Lets help they fix it soon
Another one for the list of people that can’t chat. Was working fine but after working with the new items at some point the chat stopped working. I also get the message that people are off line.
I also cannot talk in any chat channel.
I’m usually really sweet… but this an internet forum and you know how it has to be.
/i’m a lesbiab… lesbiam… less bien… GIRLS/
Same problem. Also for me it’s Grove related. I could chat normally before going there to check out the sylvari cultural armors. After that nothing appears in chat window. Normal mails work, same with emotes.
Another one for the list. Chat doesn’t work.
Got the bug in the Heart of the Mists. Let’s hope they can fix this fast (which they must, because many people have quitted the game over way more trivial issues) without having to rollback. That would be tragic, coz it may lead to more bugs due to panic in the dev room.
2 Things:
First, you can still talk through /me and mail although you’ll be suppressed and you’ll find a lot of other mutes
Second, sPvP can also trigger the bug- it’s not just the Grove now.
Add me to the list of people with this issue, I really hope someone is working overtime tonight on this….
Also think of all the people that don’t get to see what I have to say. So many sad peoples tonight!
Fort Aspenwood
Yea. it looks like going to the grove breaks almost everything. It messed up my guild interface as well.
Also cannot talk due to this bug, pretty much been in sPVP the whole time. So if this is what its like to be muted i think id rather quit XD.
This wont be fixed at least for 12 hours. It’s too late in the evening now.
This is bad one. Can’t communicate, can’t play.
There are three of us our guild that got this problem after going to Heart of the Mists. We could type in chat before, but not after.
I can’t chat either. Tried pm’ing myself and it told me I was offline as well. Hope this gets fixed soon!
I’m silenced as well!