Problems at crafting station

Problems at crafting station

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kaya.1902


I am crafting as a Tailor and have a possible glitch/bug.
I’m about level 110 in Tailoring.

I recently aquired and unlocked the tailor recipes for Ash Legion Boots, Gloves, Leggings and Coat but when I get to a crafting table, they are not in my list. The recipes are about level 50, so I should be seeing them.


Problems at crafting station

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Soulblazer.3105


Haven’t personally tested these recipes but according to GW2 wiki these recipes unlock some items named Devout ('s_Boot example for the boots, Devout Shoes (Master)) so you may haven’t see them as you where searching for something named “Ash Legion x” in the list.

Problems at crafting station

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kruhljak.2705


Most likely. There are a number of recipe sheets with names that are entirely different from the actual item that gets added to your crafting list. Sloppy. And worse, these boards and support tickets could be slimmed down a bit if ANet could bother to assign someone to go and fix all the silly text errors they’ve been told about for months. A few seconds of effort given per error could save a lot of clutter over the long term (not to mention add a bit of polish—text errors are common, but nonetheless sad in a AAA game).