Problems to join in Personal Storyline Quest

Problems to join in Personal Storyline Quest

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Asukla.3654


I’m not sure is right to post here this problem. Anyway, I have problems when I try to join a friend into his personal storyline. We tried with 2-3 different missions but I have always the same problem. When my friend try to enter in his personal story istance, i can’t see any popup for asking me if I want to join him or not.

I can’t understan the reason! ç_ç

Ps: Sorry if my english is not perfect!

Problems to join in Personal Storyline Quest

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nefaria.7659


This can be related to parties not functioning properly. Sometimes, the location of players is not updated such that the following may happen:
-Party member’s portrait is black even if they’re in the same zone
-Party member’s map icon will disappear from map when they’re not in the immediate area
-On guild lists it will not show an updated location (example: Player is currently in Lion’s Arch, the guild list may still say “The Grove”)

If this is happening, it will not allow your partner to enter the story with you.

However, if the party member locations are updating then I don’t know

Problems to join in Personal Storyline Quest

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Asukla.3654


We were in the same zone. About the Guild list and the updated location honestly i don’t know, maybe later i’ll try again being careful at the guild list. I hope this is the problem! Thank you very much for your answer

Problems to join in Personal Storyline Quest

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Genei.7502


I had this issue last night as well. Following the initial Priory Story arc. Tried every event until the one at level 39. My team mates were standing next to me, their pictures did not appear black. We all even tried completely closing the program and restarting. Not one of my team members could join or be joined.