Professor Portmatt's Lab

Professor Portmatt's Lab

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Skydown.6139


I was trying to finish the map Bloodtide Coast and was not able to get the point of interest at the sorrowful sound.
So I was looking for guides on how to get there and watched like 5 different on youtube.
Each one of them started by destroying a lamp post. And that’s where I can’t get further because I cannot attack any of these lamp post. Only 1 lamp post has a health bar and it is not red, it’s yellow.
I’ve destroyed all lightning turrets and checked out all data recorders and nothing changed. All I can do there is destroying turrets.

Has the puzzle been changed or what am I doing wrong?

Professor Portmatt's Lab

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AKGator.9175


That faint little square you see on the island is not a point of interest. I completed that map with two different characters before I even found that puzzle. So if you a only worried about completing the map move on. If you are trying to complete the puzzle, it is difficult to figure out without the help of google.

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LVL 80 Norn Guardian
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Professor Portmatt's Lab

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Amen.2630


same problem here, is it broken? cant attac the lamps and there is no panel to interact with