PvP Reward Track selection not "sticking"

PvP Reward Track selection not "sticking"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kruhljak.2705


Lately I’ve been seeing that the reward track selection that I activate frequently changes to something else by the next time I check it, typically after changing characters once or twice.

Today, I’ve had to reset it three different times (within a couple hours) to reactivate the Twilight Arbor track due to it changing back to Jungle Deer Rank reward track twice for no apparent reason.

This issue is also occurring with my second account, so it’s not an isolated issue.

PvP Reward Track selection not "sticking"

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Kruhljak.2705


No one seeing this issue? I logged out last night with Twilight Arbor selected (checked before exiting), and logged in today with Jungle Deer track. It’s inconsistent, but persistent.

edit: Annnnnd twice more since this post….time for a ticket.

(edited by Kruhljak.2705)