PvP bug - can't move

PvP bug - can't move

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nilas.2605


Sometimes I get a bug in PvP where I can’t move or dodge. It’s not due to a condition, and I’ve only noticed it in PvP. It usually happens for 5-10 seconds, but I just had it happen for about a 30-60 seconds. What can cause this?

PvP bug - can't move

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: drkn.3429


Happened to me a few times:
(1) After using ride the lightning into the portal on Skyhammer, from the cannon side, without hitting F – couldn’t move, dodge or use skills until i did /dance, promptly before dying to the pressure of the previous while;
(2) After riding the lightning into a wall by the trebuchet on Kyhlo – this time it unbugged after i got launched by an enemy;
(3) A few more ride the lightning or teleport related situations i can’t recall clearly enough to describe.

Stunbreakers don’t work; can’t move, dodge, use skills or do literally anything, BUT dancing works and fixes the issue.


PvP bug - can't move

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Tman.6349


This is not just a pvp issue, as I’ve had it happen to me in the middle of a dungeon. I main a thief and use dodgeroll for swiftness. I had just went back to repair my armor real quick and then used the WP and was catching up with my team who had moved on the the next encounter. After WPing, i used my dodge roll a few times and on the third time while coming out of the roll I just locked into place. There wasn’t an enemy around for 3000+ units so I had no conditions/stuns/etc on me. It just completely rooted me into place, though my skills worked this time, but only my non movement skills. I couldn’t dodgeroll or use any shadowsteps and it wouldn’t let me WP again either. I was stuck like this for about probably 60 secs and just when i was about to relaunch the game, my char animation changedd and I was able to move again. This hasn’t just been limited to dungeons though. It’s happened while chasing down a necro in pvp. It happened immediately after an Ele used RTL on me, when I got up from the launch I was locked into place. I happened in a 1v1 against a Warrior right when I swapped weapons. The doesn’t seem to be any particular trigger for this bug at all in my experience. It appears to be completely random and game-wide. It surely is frustrating though and I guess the only common variable each time it happened has been around CC classes in PvP cases or when I applied a movement buff (ie. swiftness) to myself in PvE/Dungeons. It only happens maybe once every day or two. If I happen to find/see anymore ‘obvious’ triggers for this bug I’ll report them back to this thread.