PvP elite unlock.
you have to train the elite spec outside of pvp with hero points to receive new weapons from the spec line
I have this same issue. I unlocked my elite spec on 1 of my mesmerswhile in HotM and did not unlock the specialization collection for him nor did I get the shield. I only noticed that something was up when my friend pinged me the chronomancer shield she received for unlocking the elite spec. I relogged on my other mesmer afterwards and unlocked the first few points into the spec while in pve and promptly received the skin.
I’ve already spent hero points on my necro and still have the reaper collection marked as locked. Please have this looked into.
Ive just experienced the same problem with my Ele.
same problem with my Necro. I was just going through my characters unlocking wherever they were, and my necro happened to be in HotM. No weapon and no unlock.
[TSFR] – Jade Quarry
Same here. I lvled the Berserker spec on my war and a specialisation for the chest armor for revenant and didnt get the item/scroll.
Same here. Although I think I might of unlocked my chrono in the silverwastes. Did not realize it came with a weapon until I unlocked my daredevil and scrapper. Then I unlocked my druid in pvp and lost out on the staff… so sad.
I unlocked my druid in PvP and so no staff or achievement. Not happy.
I had the same thing happen to me, PVP unlock and didn’t get a chest on my mesmer, I went out of pvp and unlocked the next rank in the track and poof chest. Hope that works for others, it also sounds like they just patched an NPC into heart of the mists.