Quaggan Games bugged: Frenzy T3 uncraftable

Quaggan Games bugged: Frenzy T3 uncraftable

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: cafard.8953



One of the items in the final collection to craft the Tier 3 precursor of Frenzy (legendary harpoon gun) requires completion of the Quaggan Games event in Frostgorge Sound.

Unfortunately, the quaggans seem stuck around the arena and nothing happens. I can tell the judge i want to help one of the two champions, but nothing happens after that either. I’ve been trying for 3 days with no luck, and after asking on map chat today, a fair few other players have the same issue. As is, the precursor is impossible to craft.

In case it’s related, there’s a 3 year old thread mentioning this event being stuck:

(on a side note, one of the item tooltips in this Tier 3 collection mentions helping the quaggans in Cursed Shore, when it actually is Malchor’s Leap).

Olaf Oakmane [KA]
Save the Bell Choir activity!