Queen's Jubilee Pavilion Farm
Yeah I’ve just killed two legendary champions in a row and didn’t get a single drop off them. No champion chest nothing, not even junk item… (I still got the Gold medal for involvement on both)
Oh before I forget the the legendary champions where Sparcus Firesplash and Pyroxis.
(edited by Zoidy.2685)
I had this happen with 2 of the legendary bosses a couple days ago. I wasn’t farming either. Popped in and killed two of the bosses while doing a little bit of the gauntlet for achievements. No loot from the corpses. Gold medal awarded.
Happened to me with a boss last night as well. jumped in to see if there was a boss before going to bed. Got in on the kill with a gold medal but no loot drop. I was able to get the chest though.
Happened last night to me three times, took a break, cut the game off and re qued. Seem to fix the issue.
This is a widespread bug with all champions. Was farming Orr the other day and there where the odd champion that the whole group or most of us didn’t get a drop after killing it.
Same problem as zoidy, tons of people getting nothing in orr and lots of complaints. No word from Anet…?
Same issue here, I think there has been a ninja nerf by adding DR to these champs/legendaries.
Doesn’t seem like it would be DR. The other day I was playing for a while and it was always Boom-Boom that failed to drop loot for me. The others in the pavilion dropped just fine every time I killed them. I did Boom-Boom twice that day I think and neither time got a drop.