Queens Gauntlet

Queens Gauntlet

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Mr Horny.3751

Mr Horny.3751


I now lost over at least15 gauntlet tickets, becouse the arena gets bugged out. Mostly i get send in to fight while another person is fighting or i get send in and the boss from the previous fighter is still in there and kills me instantly. Maby u could check this out. and a refund would be nice.

Queens Gauntlet

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Heimdall Vali.3125

Heimdall Vali.3125

Yes, I suffered that kind of bugs too. One time I fell down instantly because the jail didn’t close itself propertly after the previous combat. Another time, boss was knocking down me continously when she (Liadri) hasn’t got that power… Finding rests of the enemies from the previous battle is happening constantly.

I doubt they make a refund, I deserve almost 15 tickets then…

Queens Gauntlet

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: JLTW.7823


I had two bugs at once. Random knockdown and adds from another fight. Hadn’t even engaged Suriel yet.
