Quest: Rhrell Crankmane

Quest: Rhrell Crankmane

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jacina.7416


We’re suppose to be protecting Rhrell Crankmane in Charr country from ghosts while he fixes his Ghost Controll Machines, but so far for over 20 minutes he just hammers away at this one machine in the Ruins of Oldgate.

I think this quest is broken as a small group of players have already come and gone because he just doesn’t want to move on when you talk to him and I certainly don’t want to stand around for this long to finikitten.

Could someone check in on this please?

Quest: Rhrell Crankmane

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: jacina.7416


Another possibly broken quest in the same general area is “Disguise Yourself As Separatist and Assault Flame Legion”.

8 our to of 8 Supplies have been destroyed but the Evidence Planted seems stuck at 3 out of 5 and will not advance. In fact, I can’t find a way to plant evidence, and else going into the quest seem to be having problems finishing this one also. We all just sort of kill the Flame Legions who pop up in the hideout and then run around trying to figure out what and how to do the rest of the quest only to leave it behind.

I hope I’m wrong about both of these quests but I can’t find a way for either of them to finish up for me at all.