You may have 12 of the rune in your items, but since you cannot actually equip more than 6 of them at a time, it would be impossible to be eligible for the benefits, even if runes do stack.
how can i have 12 runes at time ? it is impossible because it deletes the runes u have when u upgrade the armor to a new rune
We can’t really tell whether the rune set is working for you or not because we have no idea what your stats are.
Anyways, all I know is it’s showing 12/6 because you’re using PvP Superior Runes of the Eagle. So, try taking off your PvP gear (or switching your PvP runes) and see if that fixes it.
This happens in PvE as well. I use Superior Runes of the Eagle to overwrite another set of runes.
This is happenign with both my damage and my farming set of gear.
My farming set using superior rune of the pirate which I put on my old set of level 74-79 exotic gear overriding various runes like Superior Grenth, Superior Pack. I do not yell Yarr! but for some reason do yell For Great justice! and its hard to tell how much the MF is stacking.
It’s much easier to tell I’m not getting the extra power from my damage set. The +90 power, for instance, from the 5th bonus does not show up in the stat box. Although I suppose I should test it out on a dummy or something.
The strange part is that when I switch between the two sets, if I hover my mouse over the new inventory slideshow in the bottom right, it shows all the old runes or in the case of my crafted emblzoned damage set, it shows no runes on the armour at all.
It would be nice if Anet at least acknowledged this problem exists, whether its just superficial or what is going on with it.