Random disappearing skill animation sounds

Random disappearing skill animation sounds

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: The Warder.6352

The Warder.6352

I am experiencing random disappearing skill animation sounds. For example, I press the corresponding key to a particular skill in my skill bar and it normally will play a sound associated with that skill. Randomly, the associated skill animation sounds will suddenly stop working or playing. I can hear the Hoo! and Haw! of my character, the ambient sounds, but for some reason the skill sounds will only play for awhile as I explore. Then poof! they suddenly won’t play anymore when using skills. I can drop a firestorm with my little Asuran Ele and not hear the fireballs pound the ground T_T Just curious if anyone else is experiencing the “silent skills”. I did notice it seems the sounds will come back after changing maps or zones; but, they won’t when using waypoints. After they come back for awhile, they will disappear again after what seems like a random length of time.

Random disappearing skill animation sounds

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: LittleZoe.4970


Multiple people reported this already, along with me… Lately i’ve not been having this while being out on a map, but i almost constantly miss my skill sounds inside cities…. I don’t really know how it’s related and why it works that way, but it’s annoying…

Zoe Clawstorm – Norn Necromancer