Ranger Axe skill 5: Can't click it?

Ranger Axe skill 5: Can't click it?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Ji E Toy.4150

Ji E Toy.4150

I’ve been playing my ranger and I’m currently playing shortbow and sword/axe. I don’t use the melee too often, but I just noticed I couldn’t use skill 5 on my axe… Normally, if you hover your mouse on a skill, it selects the skill by ‘lighting up’ the edge with a white line. For me however, it doesn’t do that. It does show the tooltip, and I have unlocked it. Am I doing something wrong or is it bugged? Skill 5 works on every other weapon I’ve tried (Dagger, sword, shortbow, torch) and on other characters.
I’m still using my first axe (No level requirement, account bound) but I guess that shouldn’t matter at all. Attached is a screenshot of my mouse hovering over the skill and not selecting it.

- Possible bugs in this post:
– Skill 5 on axe not working for ranger.
