Ranger Downed Underwater Bug
If you have a way to cc the pet it will give you long enough to kill him before he gets healed bubble, fear, knockback or anything like that.
It will make a pretty distinctive sound when he calls his pet to rez him just get it away from him when you hear it if you can’t then don’t bother with him until he is back cause you can’t kill him during healing when alone if there are more of you then nuke him before it becomes avalible.
I’m actually surprised this is such a problem for so many especially if there are several people involved cause I have no problems at all killing other rangers in the water on my own before his pet rez becomes avalible.
Now if I got this right (I’ll admit I’m speculating somewhat here) arenanet said this should work like search and rescue in that the pet seeks out and heals a downed player or in this case the ranger himself and that it was inteneded for it to continue to rez said player if it was killed while under the affect of this shout but at a slower rate, however I think they continue to rez at full speed even when killed wich would then be a bug.
Yeah they do, ultimately the event which piqued my interest was, we were fighting a mesmer and ranger me and 2 friends, inevitably we won with 3 of us, so we downed the ranger first and switched to the mesmer to down them too, after downing them and killing them we switched to ranger who has just started to heal with pet.
Thats when he got almost rezzed and my friend had to blow a Tuna Morph elite cool down to kill him.
I dont think thats fair really, I don’t mind rangers being powerful underwater I just don’t like that the rez skill is that ridiculous. If rangers get that skill why cant a warrior get that skill underwater, or a necro? I just dont think its fair for the pet to keep rezzing after death, it should as you say at least slow it down significantly, at this point if a burst crit dmg char cant out dmg a ranger pet… Doesn’t it seem silly?
I have taken onboard your advice on stopping it until it is fixed though so thank youfor that.
I’m just going to give the automated thief response…
Don’t chase a ranger into water. If they have to run into water, you’ve won. Just like a thief not being able to kill someone and that thief having to give up and/or run away is considered a win against that thief.
As far as the outcome, am I reading this right? Not only do thieves and mesmers think now that they should be able to kill every other class 1 on 1 but they shouldn’t even be required to use their elite skills to do so? Just shut the hell up and get out.
(edited by Deamhan.9538)
You should be required to use your elite skill to kill a downed enemy? A bug is a bug and it needs a fix.
You need to L2P if you are dying to thieves, BM Rangers are one of the easiest most faceroll specs in spvp right now, if you cant even beat a thief with it you are terrible and are the last person who should be giving anyone advice.
If thats’ the case, lets make it so rangers have to use their elite skills to kill downed players too! Sounds fun!
You should be required to use your elite skill to kill a downed enemy? A bug is a bug and it needs a fix.
You need to L2P if you are dying to thieves, BM Rangers are one of the easiest most faceroll specs in spvp right now, if you cant even beat a thief with it you are terrible and are the last person who should be giving anyone advice.
If thats’ the case, lets make it so rangers have to use their elite skills to kill downed players too! Sounds fun!
First lets talk about WvW (Real PvP) for which Thief is the most faceroll profession. I do, in fact, use my elite to “kill a downed enemy” because RaO grants stability unlike some other professions (aka Thief) who can use spammable skills to stealth stomp downed players.
Oh and which sPvP map has control points in water?
Wait… you think WvW is real PvP? Well, I don’t think I need to get into any discussion with you on this subject. Good day.
Lol, you think sPvP is real pvp? When every thing is dumbed down? Armor, providing 0 stat boosts. Just armor with upgrade slots. Trinkets? You don’t even fill all slots. Differences to certain mechanics between sPvP and the rest of the game. Some builds are more stat dependant than others.
Cap points that are the same size as most AoEs (eg. wells and traited marks). Cap points that don’t require you to kill some npc first. This is a huge difference for stealth builds.
All in all, it is far too restricted and dumbed down to be real pvp.
Minded I should’ve been a bit more specific since I wasn’t refering to zerg vs zerg but rather roaming and dueling.
I never did get an answer to my question. Though I suppose you would’ve had to read beyond the first sentence.
Oh and which sPvP map has control points in water?
Hahaha… Someone’s obviously never played Capricorn.
Pistolwhip, you are obviously relativly new to pvp in this game since you haven’t even come across this before so kindly don’t insult people by saying they play the easiest faceroll class and things like that I’m not claiming it’s rocket science but neither is playing a thief and as for the pet healing us sure it’s real good in the water since you can’t stomp there but that’s the way it is and you can quite easily deal with it if you know how, is it unfair compared to some others? sure but so are other things I find it unfair that you can keep permanent evade in water maybe we should give that to warriors too? I find it unfair that I can’t see you above water, maybe warriors should have stealth?
See how that goes…
Pistolwhip, you are obviously relativly new to pvp in this game since you haven’t even come across this before so kindly don’t insult people by saying they play the easiest faceroll class and things like that I’m not claiming it’s rocket science but neither is playing a thief and as for the pet healing us sure it’s real good in the water since you can’t stomp there but that’s the way it is and you can quite easily deal with it if you know how, is it unfair compared to some others? sure but so are other things I find it unfair that you can keep permanent evade in water maybe we should give that to warriors too? I find it unfair that I can’t see you above water, maybe warriors should have stealth?
See how that goes…
I main a warrior and thieves are the easiest thing I have fought, dont believe me? Bring a thief and fight my warrior, I’d love to school you, though seeing as you’re new to pvp I’ll be easy on you. You must be new to pvp seeing as you don’t think BM Ranger is faceroll, its not as bad as Phant mesmer but it is its own beast. You bunker up over 3000 armor, do around 900 condi dmg and have 1000 healing power with tons of ranger, than you standing around spamming your condi’s on the opponent while your pet does 2k Crit auto attacks with a Jaguar. I dare you to bring a thief and kill my guildies BM Ranger before the nerf patch (leaked notes maybe its not true).
A well played S/D is the only thing that can topple that beast thief wise, and since you don’t play thief I’m willing to assume you wouldn’t qualify as a well played thief.
Please do not insult me with assumptions and asanine comments, lets try it. Whisp me ingame, I’ll get someone to bring a ranger, we’ll find an empty server of Raid On Capricorn and let you down the ranger, you let him pop the pet heal and then I’ll fraps you trying to ‘deal with it’ without bringing a Moa Morph Elite on Mesmer, which is silly, the RaO example giving by the poster above is optional, you can still stomp someone without it, in this context Moa MOrph gives you new choice.
Honestly, I’m tired of rangers feeling sorry for themelves when they are highly viable in bunkering points right now, try playing a warrior in high end pvp for a bit.
Good day.
Thanks for the insight, pistol whip. I think you’re close to the mark. We’ll have to see what direction ANET takes it and if these leaks are indeed close to reality.
By the way, how much is ANET loving these leaks right now? If they didn’t do it themselves, they may have been a little worried at first. But now this seems like the best thing ever. It’s huge PR as far as MMOs go. I don’t know about you guys, but I’m excited to get out my beastmaster this weekend. I might even post my favorite spvp build right now. Ah, you guys wouldn’t care.
Lol man they could be fun, I’m actually going to make a ranger, I really tried to steer away from it but since it seems certain cheese aspects are being nerfed I’m very heavily thinking of lookin into one. Any advice Chopps? I know rangers are viewed as lackluster in dungeons but what sort of builds do you run?
I’m just going to give the automated thief response…
Don’t chase a ranger into water. If they have to run into water, you’ve won. Just like a thief not being able to kill someone and that thief having to give up and/or run away is considered a win against that thief.
As far as the outcome, am I reading this right? Not only do thieves and mesmers think now that they should be able to kill every other class 1 on 1 but they shouldn’t even be required to use their elite skills to do so? Just shut the hell up and get out.
Except that most times in the Thief’s case, it is a case of L2P. You can learn to counter backstabs, and you can learn to counter stealth. This is a bug that cannot be helped except by bringing more damage, and if more damage is out of reach and the ranger activates his pet’s heal, not even three people can out DPS the heal, and he’ll rez. Down him again? Better kill him before his #3, or he’ll do it again. And again. The only thing that’s more broken than this is the Thief spear #5 underwater (and that can actually be sunk or floated to counter. Still a bad oversight).
You can’t justify a bug like this to "but thieves and mesmers think they can … " No. Just stop. Comparing a Thief or Mesmer to a Ranger is like comparing apples to oranges. We’re all fruits, but each has it’s own strengths and weaknesses. This is clearly broken and needs to be fixed, regardless of what you or other rangers think about thieves or mesmers. Saying otherwise is just ignorant and biased.
Lol, you think sPvP is real pvp? When every thing is dumbed down? Armor, providing 0 stat boosts. Just armor with upgrade slots. Trinkets? You don’t even fill all slots. Differences to certain mechanics between sPvP and the rest of the game. Some builds are more stat dependant than others.
Cap points that are the same size as most AoEs (eg. wells and traited marks). Cap points that don’t require you to kill some npc first. This is a huge difference for stealth builds.
All in all, it is far too restricted and dumbed down to be real pvp.
Minded I should’ve been a bit more specific since I wasn’t refering to zerg vs zerg but rather roaming and dueling.
I never did get an answer to my question. Though I suppose you would’ve had to read beyond the first sentence.
The entire reason it’s dumbed down stat-wise IS to be real PvP. Inflated stats, high damage, PvE skills and elites and no up front objective makes WvW an extension of PvE. Nothing more. The fact that you think “roaming” and “dueling” is the preferred PvP mode compared to sPvP deeply disturbs me. Inflated stats and PvE skills lead to less skilled gameplay; less effort and know-how to defeat someone, or, if you’re bunker, less effort to defend, instead relying on raw stats instead of skill. That is not PvP.
But I must also comment on conquest. Conquest (the current pvp game type) isn’t a very competitive game type as far as PvP goes, encouraging running and capping rather than fighting. But that’s worthy of it’s own thread, and I shant get into it here.
I’m just going to give the automated thief response…
Don’t chase a ranger into water. If they have to run into water, you’ve won. Just like a thief not being able to kill someone and that thief having to give up and/or run away is considered a win against that thief.
As far as the outcome, am I reading this right? Not only do thieves and mesmers think now that they should be able to kill every other class 1 on 1 but they shouldn’t even be required to use their elite skills to do so? Just shut the hell up and get out.
Except that most times in the Thief’s case, it is a case of L2P. You can learn to counter backstabs, and you can learn to counter stealth. This is a bug that cannot be helped except by bringing more damage, and if more damage is out of reach and the ranger activates his pet’s heal, not even three people can out DPS the heal, and he’ll rez. Down him again? Better kill him before his #3, or he’ll do it again. And again. The only thing that’s more broken than this is the Thief spear #5 underwater (and that can actually be sunk or floated to counter. Still a bad oversight).
You can’t justify a bug like this to "but thieves and mesmers think they can … " No. Just stop. Comparing a Thief or Mesmer to a Ranger is like comparing apples to oranges. We’re all fruits, but each has it’s own strengths and weaknesses. This is clearly broken and needs to be fixed, regardless of what you or other rangers think about thieves or mesmers. Saying otherwise is just ignorant and biased.
Lol, you think sPvP is real pvp? When every thing is dumbed down? Armor, providing 0 stat boosts. Just armor with upgrade slots. Trinkets? You don’t even fill all slots. Differences to certain mechanics between sPvP and the rest of the game. Some builds are more stat dependant than others.
Cap points that are the same size as most AoEs (eg. wells and traited marks). Cap points that don’t require you to kill some npc first. This is a huge difference for stealth builds.
All in all, it is far too restricted and dumbed down to be real pvp.
Minded I should’ve been a bit more specific since I wasn’t refering to zerg vs zerg but rather roaming and dueling.
I never did get an answer to my question. Though I suppose you would’ve had to read beyond the first sentence.
The entire reason it’s dumbed down stat-wise IS to be real PvP. Inflated stats, high damage, PvE skills and elites and no up front objective makes WvW an extension of PvE. Nothing more. The fact that you think “roaming” and “dueling” is the preferred PvP mode compared to sPvP deeply disturbs me. Inflated stats and PvE skills lead to less skilled gameplay; less effort and know-how to defeat someone, or, if you’re bunker, less effort to defend, instead relying on raw stats instead of skill. That is not PvP.
But I must also comment on conquest. Conquest (the current pvp game type) isn’t a very competitive game type as far as PvP goes, encouraging running and capping rather than fighting. But that’s worthy of it’s own thread, and I shant get into it here.
Well said, 1+ from me.
Pistolwhip, you are obviously relativly new to pvp in this game since you haven’t even come across this before so kindly don’t insult people by saying they play the easiest faceroll class and things like that I’m not claiming it’s rocket science but neither is playing a thief and as for the pet healing us sure it’s real good in the water since you can’t stomp there but that’s the way it is and you can quite easily deal with it if you know how, is it unfair compared to some others? sure but so are other things I find it unfair that you can keep permanent evade in water maybe we should give that to warriors too? I find it unfair that I can’t see you above water, maybe warriors should have stealth?
See how that goes…
I main a warrior and thieves are the easiest thing I have fought, dont believe me? Bring a thief and fight my warrior, I’d love to school you, though seeing as you’re new to pvp I’ll be easy on you. You must be new to pvp seeing as you don’t think BM Ranger is faceroll, its not as bad as Phant mesmer but it is its own beast. You bunker up over 3000 armor, do around 900 condi dmg and have 1000 healing power with tons of ranger, than you standing around spamming your condi’s on the opponent while your pet does 2k Crit auto attacks with a Jaguar. I dare you to bring a thief and kill my guildies BM Ranger before the nerf patch (leaked notes maybe its not true).
A well played S/D is the only thing that can topple that beast thief wise, and since you don’t play thief I’m willing to assume you wouldn’t qualify as a well played thief.
Please do not insult me with assumptions and asanine comments, lets try it. Whisp me ingame, I’ll get someone to bring a ranger, we’ll find an empty server of Raid On Capricorn and let you down the ranger, you let him pop the pet heal and then I’ll fraps you trying to ‘deal with it’ without bringing a Moa Morph Elite on Mesmer, which is silly, the RaO example giving by the poster above is optional, you can still stomp someone without it, in this context Moa MOrph gives you new choice.
Honestly, I’m tired of rangers feeling sorry for themelves when they are highly viable in bunkering points right now, try playing a warrior in high end pvp for a bit.
Good day.
Wow that hit a nerve, honestly I didn’t mean it in a demeaning way or anything if that’s how you took it apologies it wasn’t meant to be offensive at all.
And as for dealing with it I already said don’t let him get the heal off it takes a good while until it becomes avalible nuke before he can get his pet to heal if you cannot do that then wait it out an save up the nukes for the second he gets up possibly even keeping his pet low health but not dead also so you can kill it instantly once he’s up again cause then he’ll only have 1 pet and fighting from low health already then you have a much better chance of killing him the next time you down him he will start from much less health in downed state, I’m not saying it’s extremely easy but it’s something that works.
I’m just going to give the automated thief response…
Don’t chase a ranger into water. If they have to run into water, you’ve won. Just like a thief not being able to kill someone and that thief having to give up and/or run away is considered a win against that thief.
As far as the outcome, am I reading this right? Not only do thieves and mesmers think now that they should be able to kill every other class 1 on 1 but they shouldn’t even be required to use their elite skills to do so? Just shut the hell up and get out.
Except that most times in the Thief’s case, it is a case of L2P. You can learn to counter backstabs, and you can learn to counter stealth. This is a bug that cannot be helped except by bringing more damage, and if more damage is out of reach and the ranger activates his pet’s heal, not even three people can out DPS the heal, and he’ll rez. Down him again? Better kill him before his #3, or he’ll do it again. And again. The only thing that’s more broken than this is the Thief spear #5 underwater (and that can actually be sunk or floated to counter. Still a bad oversight).
You can’t justify a bug like this to "but thieves and mesmers think they can … " No. Just stop. Comparing a Thief or Mesmer to a Ranger is like comparing apples to oranges. We’re all fruits, but each has it’s own strengths and weaknesses. This is clearly broken and needs to be fixed, regardless of what you or other rangers think about thieves or mesmers. Saying otherwise is just ignorant and biased.
Lol, you think sPvP is real pvp? When every thing is dumbed down? Armor, providing 0 stat boosts. Just armor with upgrade slots. Trinkets? You don’t even fill all slots. Differences to certain mechanics between sPvP and the rest of the game. Some builds are more stat dependant than others.
Cap points that are the same size as most AoEs (eg. wells and traited marks). Cap points that don’t require you to kill some npc first. This is a huge difference for stealth builds.
All in all, it is far too restricted and dumbed down to be real pvp.
Minded I should’ve been a bit more specific since I wasn’t refering to zerg vs zerg but rather roaming and dueling.
I never did get an answer to my question. Though I suppose you would’ve had to read beyond the first sentence.
The entire reason it’s dumbed down stat-wise IS to be real PvP. Inflated stats, high damage, PvE skills and elites and no up front objective makes WvW an extension of PvE. Nothing more. The fact that you think “roaming” and “dueling” is the preferred PvP mode compared to sPvP deeply disturbs me. Inflated stats and PvE skills lead to less skilled gameplay; less effort and know-how to defeat someone, or, if you’re bunker, less effort to defend, instead relying on raw stats instead of skill. That is not PvP.
But I must also comment on conquest. Conquest (the current pvp game type) isn’t a very competitive game type as far as PvP goes, encouraging running and capping rather than fighting. But that’s worthy of it’s own thread, and I shant get into it here.
Unless you use skill 4, which is interrupted upon damage, you hemorrhage health when downed. If three people can’t finish off a ranger (even a bunker) before their skill 3 becomes available, it most certainly is a l2p issue.
Since it started as 3vs2 and the one was finished off, that leaves 3 vs 1. Wait till they rez (let your skills recharge) and then down them again. They will be under the effects of rez sickness and will have less health to start with while downed.
Oh and please do tell me how to counter back stab and stealth. Sorry but “anticipating” is not a counter. Sorry but my balls are not made of crystal and I don’t use bots (or cheats of any kind) that will dodge predetermined skills on my behalf.
What’s sad, is that some professions depend on bugs just to be competitive to the troll mechanics given to thief and mesmer. Which brings me to why pvp is dumbed down. To make it easier to balance and even then these clueless kittens fail at it. The changes they make just screw things up for the rest of the game. All for what? Some e-sport pipe dream? Sounds like a bunch of wanna-be’s that couldn’t cut it playing sports in school and never gotten over the fact.
This now brings me to "The fact that you think “roaming” and “dueling” is the preferred PvP mode compared to sPvP deeply disturbs me.". The fact that there is actually a strong demand for spvp/tpvp using pve gear, that there appears to be a greater wvw population, that there is indeed a greater pve population, and more importantly the fact you disregard this is what is disturbing.
As for “Saying otherwise is just ignorant and biased.” I agree with this. After all, thieves are experts at ignorance and bias.
(edited by Deamhan.9538)
You say that is an L2P issue, I say losing to thieves and mesmers is an L2P issue for rangers. We disagree. On class balance and WvW being more of a pvp mode than Spvp.
Your dislike for thieves and mesmers is noted and very obvious. I request ( note i say request) you don’t post on this thread anymore as a courtesy to me. It would be greatly appreciated.
I’m not here to talk about thief or mesmer or ranger balance, I’m here to discuss the bug with the underwater ranger downed state that as a poster above has stated Anet has acknowledged as a bug, and this is a request for its fix asap. That is all.
It should be fixed it can’t be intented to be the way it is, that said it affects very little, because it’s really only useful on one capture point in one spvp map and that one isn’t even used in tournaments, well that and fighting for your borderland quaggans.
There are definetly more important things to look at in my opinion but also this can’t be very hard to fix either well you’d think anyway then again it is rather amusing because on land the pet rez wouldn’t work at all for months and it still to this day fails on occasion…
Hey PistolWhip,
I was that Ranger the last night. I remember the battle well, you we’re tag teaming me with the help of your Mesmer teammate. You complain because you lost. You should have killed me quicker.
You’re the reason the Thief class exists. You hate fighting. You hit and run, like a drunk driver. You believe you’re elite because you rarely die, only because you rarely fight. You’re an opportunistic killer, like a virus. What’s more broken, my pet or, your ability to appear and disappear AT WILL.
Well, you got your way. You cried and ANet listened. Our pets are nerfed and so is our only viable build. Enjoy your game. You win.
Jade Quarry
“Rangers LEAD the way.”
(edited by MementoMortis.4258)
this thread wouldve been completely different if the OP had just said he was an elementalist.
Celestial Avatar is like an old man: Takes forever to get up and is spent in 4 seconds
Hey PistolWhip,
I was that Ranger the last night. I remember the battle well, you we’re tag teaming me with the help of your Mesmer teammate. You complain because you lost. You should have killed me quicker.
You’re the reason the Thief class exists. You hate fighting. You hit and run, like a drunk driver. You believe you’re elite because you rarely die, only because you rarely fight. You’re an opportunistic killer, like a virus. What’s more broken, my pet or, your ability to appear and disappear AT WILL.
Well, you got your way. You cried and ANet listened. Our pets are nerfed and so is our only viable build. Enjoy your game. You win.
Wait, what did I even lose lol? You still died in the end, and me and my teammate walked away from you and your teammate and capped the point. I just don’t like that there’s such an obvious bug, any bugs with the thief class I’d agree to a fix. For example if steal went too far in range that’s a bug that would need a fix, regardless of balance or not.
You are telling me this bug is acceptable? Why is anyone even defending this crap, this isn’t a balance discussion this is about a bug, stop turning it into your thief rant. If you would like a challenge contact me in-game politely and ask for a duel with my warrior.
Also, I hope you realize BM Rangers weren’t actually that complained about by thieves, most thieves (thieves are one of the only classes with enough burst to outdo the regen of these tanky rangers) complain about other things anyway, its a large part of the other community in spvp who view it as OP, the discussion here is about a bug cited so by Anet.
I main a warrior so, if you think my main Warrior is OP in Spvp, I’d said a lot of people disagree but, sure you’re entitled to your opinion.
Hey PistolWhip,
I was that Ranger the last night. I remember the battle well, you we’re tag teaming me with the help of your Mesmer teammate. You complain because you lost. You should have killed me quicker.
You’re the reason the Thief class exists. You hate fighting. You hit and run, like a drunk driver. You believe you’re elite because you rarely die, only because you rarely fight. You’re an opportunistic killer, like a virus. What’s more broken, my pet or, your ability to appear and disappear AT WILL.
Well, you got your way. You cried and ANet listened. Our pets are nerfed and so is our only viable build. Enjoy your game. You win.
Wait, what did I even lose lol? You still died in the end, and me and my teammate walked away from you and your teammate and capped the point. I just don’t like that there’s such an obvious bug, any bugs with the thief class I’d agree to a fix. For example if steal went too far in range that’s a bug that would need a fix, regardless of balance or not.
You are telling me this bug is acceptable? Why is anyone even defending this crap, this isn’t a balance discussion this is about a bug, stop turning it into your thief rant. If you would like a challenge contact me in-game politely and ask for a duel with my warrior.
Also, I hope you realize BM Rangers weren’t actually that complained about by thieves, most thieves (thieves are one of the only classes with enough burst to outdo the regen of these tanky rangers) complain about other things anyway, its a large part of the other community in spvp who view it as OP, the discussion here is about a bug cited so by Anet.
I main a warrior so, if you think my main Warrior is OP in Spvp, I’d said a lot of people disagree but, sure you’re entitled to your opinion.
I’ve never seen an OP warrior quite frankly. I know how hard it is to play a warrior. I have one. I do remember that fight ending differently however. ;-)
If you’re upset about the blow back of an anti-Ranger thread then don’t start one.
We are the weakest class. Most players KNOW that Rangers simply die more than any other class. Everyone I talk to agrees on this point. If ANet crunched the numbers, I’m sure this would quickly become a demonstrable fact.
As a Thief, in WvW, I’m sure you love sneaking behind the Ranger who believes he is attacking from a safe distance and ENDING his kitten with BS/C&D/HS/HS/HS/HS…..ad infinitum “combo.”
We die first, we die often…we’re like the Marines.
Jade Quarry
“Rangers LEAD the way.”
Our ranger regularly wins our guild tournaments, he is obviously just better than you. Its a skill issue, this isn’t meant to be a balance thread, stop turning it into one.
Its a bug fix request that is all. If you want to QQ about your class there are countless other threads to visit and post on in the ranger forums.
Our ranger regularly wins our guild tournaments, he is obviously just better than you. Its a skill issue, this isn’t meant to be a balance thread, stop turning it into one.
Its a bug fix request that is all. If you want to QQ about your class there are countless other threads to visit and post on in the ranger forums.
Your Ranger is invariably running the BM build that will be nerfed soon. I win tourneys too with my BM build but, it won’t be viable much longer in sPvP and is doesn’t accomplish much in WvW anyway.
The “bug” you want fixed is hardly a major issue and is understandably being ignored. I’ve only witnessed it twice. Besides, the pet’s revive is a fraction of a player’s and I’ve been killed many times while my pet was reviving me. You just failed.
Jade Quarry
“Rangers LEAD the way.”
Unless you use skill 4, which is interrupted upon damage, you hemorrhage health when downed. If three people can’t finish off a ranger (even a bunker) before their skill 3 becomes available, it most certainly is a l2p issue.
With the poor underwater damage that some professions put out and being able to move while downed, this happens more often than you think. It is not an L2p issue when it comes down to this, because no matter the skill, the same outcome occurs.
Since it started as 3vs2 and the one was finished off, that leaves 3 vs 1. Wait till they rez (let your skills recharge) and then down them again. They will be under the effects of rez sickness and will have less health to start with while downed.
To make this viable, you’d have to do this maybe 2 times, 4 times at the max. That is out of the question compared to other professions downed states underwater. No one should get the privilege of being guaranteed one more chance at living just because of one downed state skill. It’s broken – Just you suggesting that I should wait until he rezzes himself is proof that it is.
Oh and please do tell me how to counter back stab and stealth. Sorry but “anticipating” is not a counter. Sorry but my balls are not made of crystal and I don’t use bots (or cheats of any kind) that will dodge predetermined skills on my behalf.
Thieves have 3 seconds of stealth (4 traited, still 3 if traited D/P) and it is very possible to stop a backstab. Greatsword block, immob/freeze traps, binding roots, wolf fear, sword mainhand dodges, dagger dodges, and dodges are all ranger things I can think of off the top of my head that you can use to avoid damage and stall until he comes out of stealth. It’s not about anticipating. Place the traps at your feet, and you’ll get him. When the trap trips, dodge out of it and kite. After he pops out of stealth, then it’s up to your skill to keep him out with CC and blinds. Also – When he stealths, don’t stop attacking. It’s the worst move you can do. Always keep moving, preferably in an erratic manner where your back is constantly changing directions (DON’T BACKPEDDAL.) and be generous with dodges and autoattacks (along with what i listed above) and you’ll do fine.
Now there’s some actual facts for you, not the opinions and personal attacks you keep spewing at me.
This now brings me to "The fact that you think “roaming” and “dueling” is the preferred PvP mode compared to sPvP deeply disturbs me.". The fact that there is actually a strong demand for spvp/tpvp using pve gear, that there appears to be a greater wvw population, that there is indeed a greater pve population, and more importantly the fact you disregard this is what is disturbing.
PvP, as it’s own game type, is lacking. No tangible rewards, conquest only, stagnant gameplay, no competitive scene, and boring streaming all are factors that contribute to this. So there, no doubt, will be a bigger WvW and PvE crowd.
As for the other part of your argument, I haven’t seen a single thread that asks for PvE gear in PvP, but I admit I’m not always on the forums (though I do browse the sPvP forums often.). I must ask, where are you getting your facts? These just sound like personal opinions, and I’d like to see some actual threads that want this.
As for “Saying otherwise is just ignorant and biased.” I agree with this. After all, thieves are experts at ignorance and bias.
I have over 1,700 hours on Thief, and I’m neither ignorant nor too biased. I’ve given you solid strategies to help with your fights against Thieves and, if I might be so bold as to say, supported all my arguments with mostly facts, not all opinions as you seem so keen on doing.
(edited by Rahar.9872)
Our ranger regularly wins our guild tournaments, he is obviously just better than you. Its a skill issue, this isn’t meant to be a balance thread, stop turning it into one.
Its a bug fix request that is all. If you want to QQ about your class there are countless other threads to visit and post on in the ranger forums.
Your Ranger is invariably running the BM build that will be nerfed soon. I win tourneys too with my BM build but, it won’t be viable much longer in sPvP and is doesn’t accomplish much in WvW anyway.
The “bug” you want fixed is hardly a major issue and is understandably being ignored. I’ve only witnessed it twice. Besides, the pet’s revive is a fraction of a player’s and I’ve been killed many times while my pet was reviving me. You just failed.
We didn’t “fail” anything. We turned you into a tuna and killed you, then capped your point. No bug should allow a class the privilege of only being killed on special circumstance, applies to Thieves, applies to Rangers. There’s a boatload of reasons why Capricorn isn’t in Tournament play and I’m willing to bet Rangers are one of them. Pets are bugged, when you kill them they don’t stop or slow rez rate, Anet I trust will fix this in due time, this is just yet another reminder thread that the bug still exists.
I have seen it more than my fair share of times, I just think it is a bit silly that it hasn’t been fixed yet, though I suppose when I make a ranger I can also benefit from being a God underwater.
It is a bug and has to be fixed whenever possible, no debates. If you honestly believe a bug shouldn’t be fixed and be left intentionally in the game when it is this game changing, then we have nothing further to discuss, good day and good luck with your class.
Hey guys, I just wanted to ask…
Why are Ranger’s still bugged for downstate underwater? Lol, if you kill the pet the regen should stopped :X, they are a guaranteed revive if downed long enough to get skill 3 up.
How do you actually counter this bug? On a zerker thief running 62% crit dmg, I couldn’t out damage the revive… Trying to spam all my damage by the way, even blowing cool downs, and killing the pet does nothing, what do I do?!
Does this bother anyone else, and my apologies for being uninformed on the subject but was anything stated by Anet on the matter?
I have a better question: when your perma stealthed, how do you counter it? How is it a perma-stealthed thief can take on multiple people at once and choose to disengage freely out of harms way whenever they wish? That is far more game breaking than the underwater bug, like far far far more.
Anet should be looking at that first, long before they tackle the rangers underwater bug
(edited by DeadlySynz.3471)
Hey guys, I just wanted to ask…
Why are Ranger’s still bugged for downstate underwater? Lol, if you kill the pet the regen should stopped :X, they are a guaranteed revive if downed long enough to get skill 3 up.
How do you actually counter this bug? On a zerker thief running 62% crit dmg, I couldn’t out damage the revive… Trying to spam all my damage by the way, even blowing cool downs, and killing the pet does nothing, what do I do?!
Does this bother anyone else, and my apologies for being uninformed on the subject but was anything stated by Anet on the matter?
I have a better question: when your perma stealthed, how do you counter it? How is it a perma-stealthed thief can take on multiple people at once and choose to disengage freely out of harms way whenever they wish? That is far more game breaking than the underwater bug, like far far far more.
Anet should be looking at that first, long before they tackle the rangers underwater bug
Burn. ;-)
Well done.
Jade Quarry
“Rangers LEAD the way.”
Our ranger regularly wins our guild tournaments, he is obviously just better than you. Its a skill issue, this isn’t meant to be a balance thread, stop turning it into one.
Its a bug fix request that is all. If you want to QQ about your class there are countless other threads to visit and post on in the ranger forums.
Your Ranger is invariably running the BM build that will be nerfed soon. I win tourneys too with my BM build but, it won’t be viable much longer in sPvP and is doesn’t accomplish much in WvW anyway.
The “bug” you want fixed is hardly a major issue and is understandably being ignored. I’ve only witnessed it twice. Besides, the pet’s revive is a fraction of a player’s and I’ve been killed many times while my pet was reviving me. You just failed.
We didn’t “fail” anything. We turned you into a tuna and killed you, then capped your point. No bug should allow a class the privilege of only being killed on special circumstance, applies to Thieves, applies to Rangers. There’s a boatload of reasons why Capricorn isn’t in Tournament play and I’m willing to bet Rangers are one of them. Pets are bugged, when you kill them they don’t stop or slow rez rate, Anet I trust will fix this in due time, this is just yet another reminder thread that the bug still exists.
I have seen it more than my fair share of times, I just think it is a bit silly that it hasn’t been fixed yet, though I suppose when I make a ranger I can also benefit from being a God underwater.
It is a bug and has to be fixed whenever possible, no debates. If you honestly believe a bug shouldn’t be fixed and be left intentionally in the game when it is this game changing, then we have nothing further to discuss, good day and good luck with your class.
Again, I remember that fight ending differently BUT, if you remember it by tag teaming me with an OP Elite Mesmer skill and THAT was the only way you could win well, I guess I’m alright with that. ;-)
The argument we are making is that if you’re going to complain about bugs and OP skills, other classes (i.e. THIEVES), need attention first.
Just sayin…
Jade Quarry
“Rangers LEAD the way.”
Our ranger regularly wins our guild tournaments, he is obviously just better than you. Its a skill issue, this isn’t meant to be a balance thread, stop turning it into one.
Its a bug fix request that is all. If you want to QQ about your class there are countless other threads to visit and post on in the ranger forums.
Your Ranger is invariably running the BM build that will be nerfed soon. I win tourneys too with my BM build but, it won’t be viable much longer in sPvP and is doesn’t accomplish much in WvW anyway.
The “bug” you want fixed is hardly a major issue and is understandably being ignored. I’ve only witnessed it twice. Besides, the pet’s revive is a fraction of a player’s and I’ve been killed many times while my pet was reviving me. You just failed.
We didn’t “fail” anything. We turned you into a tuna and killed you, then capped your point. No bug should allow a class the privilege of only being killed on special circumstance, applies to Thieves, applies to Rangers. There’s a boatload of reasons why Capricorn isn’t in Tournament play and I’m willing to bet Rangers are one of them. Pets are bugged, when you kill them they don’t stop or slow rez rate, Anet I trust will fix this in due time, this is just yet another reminder thread that the bug still exists.
I have seen it more than my fair share of times, I just think it is a bit silly that it hasn’t been fixed yet, though I suppose when I make a ranger I can also benefit from being a God underwater.
It is a bug and has to be fixed whenever possible, no debates. If you honestly believe a bug shouldn’t be fixed and be left intentionally in the game when it is this game changing, then we have nothing further to discuss, good day and good luck with your class.
Again, I remember that fight ending differently BUT, if you remember it by tag teaming me with an OP Elite Mesmer skill and THAT was the only way you could win well, I guess I’m alright with that. ;-)
The argument we are making is that if you’re going to complain about bugs and OP skills, other classes (i.e. THIEVES), need attention first.
Just sayin…
To be honest, I suspected this, I believe you have the wrong guy, the occasion I’m talking about had a mesmer and a ranger in Ruin Cap Point and a mesmer friend and another thief friend of mine killed the mes then as described above the ranger and capped the point. It is probably a misunderstanding of 2 different events, in pvp this stuff happens a lot after all.
But I’m not complaining about a class or skill, not originally so, My reply had balance in it yes, but that was in response to the above poster. I merely want this bug fixed as it is clearly (as stated by Anet) not meant to be in the game.
Also, many accept Thieves as not being OP, then again those people are the very upper tier, I feel Thief as a class is very strong against new players but to the well seasoned highly easy. Like I said, my warrior (the one of the 2 most underpowered classes in Spvp along with necro) destroys thieves, and has only been beaten by 1 to date, yesterday, a skilled one named Tessa Avery.
I would like to keep this thread purely about the bug from here on. Thank you.
Our ranger regularly wins our guild tournaments, he is obviously just better than you. Its a skill issue, this isn’t meant to be a balance thread, stop turning it into one.
Its a bug fix request that is all. If you want to QQ about your class there are countless other threads to visit and post on in the ranger forums.
Your Ranger is invariably running the BM build that will be nerfed soon. I win tourneys too with my BM build but, it won’t be viable much longer in sPvP and is doesn’t accomplish much in WvW anyway.
The “bug” you want fixed is hardly a major issue and is understandably being ignored. I’ve only witnessed it twice. Besides, the pet’s revive is a fraction of a player’s and I’ve been killed many times while my pet was reviving me. You just failed.
We didn’t “fail” anything. We turned you into a tuna and killed you, then capped your point. No bug should allow a class the privilege of only being killed on special circumstance, applies to Thieves, applies to Rangers. There’s a boatload of reasons why Capricorn isn’t in Tournament play and I’m willing to bet Rangers are one of them. Pets are bugged, when you kill them they don’t stop or slow rez rate, Anet I trust will fix this in due time, this is just yet another reminder thread that the bug still exists.
I have seen it more than my fair share of times, I just think it is a bit silly that it hasn’t been fixed yet, though I suppose when I make a ranger I can also benefit from being a God underwater.
It is a bug and has to be fixed whenever possible, no debates. If you honestly believe a bug shouldn’t be fixed and be left intentionally in the game when it is this game changing, then we have nothing further to discuss, good day and good luck with your class.
Again, I remember that fight ending differently BUT, if you remember it by tag teaming me with an OP Elite Mesmer skill and THAT was the only way you could win well, I guess I’m alright with that. ;-)
The argument we are making is that if you’re going to complain about bugs and OP skills, other classes (i.e. THIEVES), need attention first.
Just sayin…
To be honest, I suspected this, I believe you have the wrong guy, the occasion I’m talking about had a mesmer and a ranger in Ruin Cap Point and a mesmer friend and another thief friend of mine killed the mes then as described above the ranger and capped the point. It is probably a misunderstanding of 2 different events, in pvp this stuff happens a lot after all.
But I’m not complaining about a class or skill, not originally so, My reply had balance in it yes, but that was in response to the above poster. I merely want this bug fixed as it is clearly (as stated by Anet) not meant to be in the game.
Also, many accept Thieves as not being OP, then again those people are the very upper tier, I feel Thief as a class is very strong against new players but to the well seasoned highly easy. Like I said, my warrior (the one of the 2 most underpowered classes in Spvp along with necro) destroys thieves, and has only been beaten by 1 to date, yesterday, a skilled one named Tessa Avery.
I would like to keep this thread purely about the bug from here on. Thank you.
Then you should stop posting veiled insults referring to other posters as “new players” or not “upper tier.” You’re not fooling anyone with your hyper-arrogance and condescension. But, incidentally, if you think this thread is still about your bug…look up. No one’s interested.
BTW, Tessa kills me too. ;-)
Jade Quarry
“Rangers LEAD the way.”
Our ranger regularly wins our guild tournaments, he is obviously just better than you. Its a skill issue, this isn’t meant to be a balance thread, stop turning it into one.
Its a bug fix request that is all. If you want to QQ about your class there are countless other threads to visit and post on in the ranger forums.
Your Ranger is invariably running the BM build that will be nerfed soon. I win tourneys too with my BM build but, it won’t be viable much longer in sPvP and is doesn’t accomplish much in WvW anyway.
The “bug” you want fixed is hardly a major issue and is understandably being ignored. I’ve only witnessed it twice. Besides, the pet’s revive is a fraction of a player’s and I’ve been killed many times while my pet was reviving me. You just failed.
We didn’t “fail” anything. We turned you into a tuna and killed you, then capped your point. No bug should allow a class the privilege of only being killed on special circumstance, applies to Thieves, applies to Rangers. There’s a boatload of reasons why Capricorn isn’t in Tournament play and I’m willing to bet Rangers are one of them. Pets are bugged, when you kill them they don’t stop or slow rez rate, Anet I trust will fix this in due time, this is just yet another reminder thread that the bug still exists.
I have seen it more than my fair share of times, I just think it is a bit silly that it hasn’t been fixed yet, though I suppose when I make a ranger I can also benefit from being a God underwater.
It is a bug and has to be fixed whenever possible, no debates. If you honestly believe a bug shouldn’t be fixed and be left intentionally in the game when it is this game changing, then we have nothing further to discuss, good day and good luck with your class.
Again, I remember that fight ending differently BUT, if you remember it by tag teaming me with an OP Elite Mesmer skill and THAT was the only way you could win well, I guess I’m alright with that. ;-)
The argument we are making is that if you’re going to complain about bugs and OP skills, other classes (i.e. THIEVES), need attention first.
Just sayin…
To be honest, I suspected this, I believe you have the wrong guy, the occasion I’m talking about had a mesmer and a ranger in Ruin Cap Point and a mesmer friend and another thief friend of mine killed the mes then as described above the ranger and capped the point. It is probably a misunderstanding of 2 different events, in pvp this stuff happens a lot after all.
But I’m not complaining about a class or skill, not originally so, My reply had balance in it yes, but that was in response to the above poster. I merely want this bug fixed as it is clearly (as stated by Anet) not meant to be in the game.
Also, many accept Thieves as not being OP, then again those people are the very upper tier, I feel Thief as a class is very strong against new players but to the well seasoned highly easy. Like I said, my warrior (the one of the 2 most underpowered classes in Spvp along with necro) destroys thieves, and has only been beaten by 1 to date, yesterday, a skilled one named Tessa Avery.
I would like to keep this thread purely about the bug from here on. Thank you.
Then you should stop posting veiled insults referring to other posters as “new players” or not “upper tier.” You’re not fooling anyone with your hyper-arrogance and condescension. But, incidentally, if you think this thread is still about your bug…look up. No one’s interested.
BTW, Tessa kills me too. ;-)
Just to clarify what I’m fairly certain that pistol meant and that you misinterpreted is that Thieves are not considered OP by " competitive tournament tier" players or “highly seasoned wvw” players…. From what I could ascertain he wasn’t referring to any particular poster… Merely pointing out the fact that thieves can kill newer players to both wvw and spvp very easily because they don’t know what to look for or listen for as the case may be… As far as the bug is concerned… And it is indeed a bug… It does need to be fixed. However with so few pvp areas occurring in the water it probably isn’t the priority fix right now… Try not to be so… prickly…
Our ranger regularly wins our guild tournaments, he is obviously just better than you. Its a skill issue, this isn’t meant to be a balance thread, stop turning it into one.
Its a bug fix request that is all. If you want to QQ about your class there are countless other threads to visit and post on in the ranger forums.
Your Ranger is invariably running the BM build that will be nerfed soon. I win tourneys too with my BM build but, it won’t be viable much longer in sPvP and is doesn’t accomplish much in WvW anyway.
The “bug” you want fixed is hardly a major issue and is understandably being ignored. I’ve only witnessed it twice. Besides, the pet’s revive is a fraction of a player’s and I’ve been killed many times while my pet was reviving me. You just failed.
We didn’t “fail” anything. We turned you into a tuna and killed you, then capped your point. No bug should allow a class the privilege of only being killed on special circumstance, applies to Thieves, applies to Rangers. There’s a boatload of reasons why Capricorn isn’t in Tournament play and I’m willing to bet Rangers are one of them. Pets are bugged, when you kill them they don’t stop or slow rez rate, Anet I trust will fix this in due time, this is just yet another reminder thread that the bug still exists.
I have seen it more than my fair share of times, I just think it is a bit silly that it hasn’t been fixed yet, though I suppose when I make a ranger I can also benefit from being a God underwater.
It is a bug and has to be fixed whenever possible, no debates. If you honestly believe a bug shouldn’t be fixed and be left intentionally in the game when it is this game changing, then we have nothing further to discuss, good day and good luck with your class.
Again, I remember that fight ending differently BUT, if you remember it by tag teaming me with an OP Elite Mesmer skill and THAT was the only way you could win well, I guess I’m alright with that. ;-)
The argument we are making is that if you’re going to complain about bugs and OP skills, other classes (i.e. THIEVES), need attention first.
Just sayin…
To be honest, I suspected this, I believe you have the wrong guy, the occasion I’m talking about had a mesmer and a ranger in Ruin Cap Point and a mesmer friend and another thief friend of mine killed the mes then as described above the ranger and capped the point. It is probably a misunderstanding of 2 different events, in pvp this stuff happens a lot after all.
But I’m not complaining about a class or skill, not originally so, My reply had balance in it yes, but that was in response to the above poster. I merely want this bug fixed as it is clearly (as stated by Anet) not meant to be in the game.
Also, many accept Thieves as not being OP, then again those people are the very upper tier, I feel Thief as a class is very strong against new players but to the well seasoned highly easy. Like I said, my warrior (the one of the 2 most underpowered classes in Spvp along with necro) destroys thieves, and has only been beaten by 1 to date, yesterday, a skilled one named Tessa Avery.
I would like to keep this thread purely about the bug from here on. Thank you.
Then you should stop posting veiled insults referring to other posters as “new players” or not “upper tier.” You’re not fooling anyone with your hyper-arrogance and condescension. But, incidentally, if you think this thread is still about your bug…look up. No one’s interested.
BTW, Tessa kills me too. ;-)
Just to clarify what I’m fairly certain that pistol meant and that you misinterpreted is that Thieves are not considered OP by " competitive tournament tier" players or “highly seasoned wvw” players…. From what I could ascertain he wasn’t referring to any particular poster… Merely pointing out the fact that thieves can kill newer players to both wvw and spvp very easily because they don’t know what to look for or listen for as the case may be… As far as the bug is concerned… And it is indeed a bug… It does need to be fixed. However with so few pvp areas occurring in the water it probably isn’t the priority fix right now… Try not to be so… prickly…
Point taken. I’ll try.
However, regarding thieves, I believe my point stands. Also, I feel the community at-large (regardless of ranking or experience), agrees with me. The ability to disappear at will and reset ANY battle they are losing, is OP. I kill thieves all the time, but only when they make a mistake. I could spend days chasing a good thief around a PvP arena and the fight would only end if he wanted it to. THAT is a bug.
Jade Quarry
“Rangers LEAD the way.”
Pistolwhip, you are obviously relativly new to pvp in this game since you haven’t even come across this before so kindly don’t insult people by saying they play the easiest faceroll class and things like that I’m not claiming it’s rocket science but neither is playing a thief and as for the pet healing us sure it’s real good in the water since you can’t stomp there but that’s the way it is and you can quite easily deal with it if you know how, is it unfair compared to some others? sure but so are other things I find it unfair that you can keep permanent evade in water maybe we should give that to warriors too? I find it unfair that I can’t see you above water, maybe warriors should have stealth?
See how that goes…
I main a warrior and thieves are the easiest thing I have fought, dont believe me? Bring a thief and fight my warrior, I’d love to school you, though seeing as you’re new to pvp I’ll be easy on you. You must be new to pvp seeing as you don’t think BM Ranger is faceroll, its not as bad as Phant mesmer but it is its own beast. You bunker up over 3000 armor, do around 900 condi dmg and have 1000 healing power with tons of ranger, than you standing around spamming your condi’s on the opponent while your pet does 2k Crit auto attacks with a Jaguar. I dare you to bring a thief and kill my guildies BM Ranger before the nerf patch (leaked notes maybe its not true).
A well played S/D is the only thing that can topple that beast thief wise, and since you don’t play thief I’m willing to assume you wouldn’t qualify as a well played thief.
Please do not insult me with assumptions and asanine comments, lets try it. Whisp me ingame, I’ll get someone to bring a ranger, we’ll find an empty server of Raid On Capricorn and let you down the ranger, you let him pop the pet heal and then I’ll fraps you trying to ‘deal with it’ without bringing a Moa Morph Elite on Mesmer, which is silly, the RaO example giving by the poster above is optional, you can still stomp someone without it, in this context Moa MOrph gives you new choice.
Honestly, I’m tired of rangers feeling sorry for themelves when they are highly viable in bunkering points right now, try playing a warrior in high end pvp for a bit.
Good day.
Problem is that build only works in pvp where OTHER classes don’t have the equipment/jewelry customization you can get in WvW. The very faceroll build you’re referring is not even half of what it is in WvW. Sorry, but you’re very delusional. Besides this very build you’re referrring to which is a full bunker BM build will be nerfed heavily next patch but don’t worry , you cry babies also got us nerfed in WvW and PvE too where it wasn’t needed at all and it nerfed non-BM builds as they nerfed the pets a mechanic all ranger builds needed.
Besides, you’re crying baout ranger class that has one build when mesmers can destroy you with multiple and they’re getting the new condition that was only supposed to be given to necros ^.^ , people hate the wrong classes it’s so funny to me. You got rolled by a ranger and are very bitter about it. Get the kitten out of here you crybaby and learn to play.
(edited by Ryan.8367)
Thieves have 3 seconds of stealth (4 traited, still 3 if traited D/P) and it is very possible to stop a backstab. Greatsword block, immob/freeze traps, binding roots, wolf fear, sword mainhand dodges, dagger dodges, and dodges are all ranger things I can think of off the top of my head that you can use to avoid damage and stall until he comes out of stealth. It’s not about anticipating. Place the traps at your feet, and you’ll get him. When the trap trips, dodge out of it and kite. After he pops out of stealth, then it’s up to your skill to keep him out with CC and blinds. Also – When he stealths, don’t stop attacking. It’s the worst move you can do. Always keep moving, preferably in an erratic manner where your back is constantly changing directions (DON’T BACKPEDDAL.) and be generous with dodges and autoattacks (along with what i listed above) and you’ll do fine.
So let’s talk one on one here.
Greatsword block: You go stealth, I use it and you do one of two things…
1. You wait at which point your stealth will wear off, as will my block, you re-enter stealth.
2. You attack, take the counter blow that will push you back and knock you down. In the time it takes for you to get back up after striking, revealed is gone and you enter into stealth regenerating any lost health.
Dodge roll: You enter stealth, I dodge twice. Since each dodge roll is only a one second dodge, I would have to blow two at once to have a shot at avoiding BS and that still leaves you with 1 or 2 seconds. If stealth falls off, you simply re-enter.
Sword/Dagger: This is similar to dodges. If your stealth simply ends on its own, you don’t get revealed and can re-enter stealth. I would have to use all four skills to equate to two dodge rolls. So it’s the same deal as above.
Immobilze: First off, we are very limited on these. You have more ways out than we have ways to put you in and your CD are shorter than ours.
Wolf Fear: Sure I can waste it on you when you enter stealth. Or I can save it for a shot at getting you to run out of shadow’s refuge.
So what? I’m suppose to use GS + S/D (which I do already) and non stop chain evades? Stopping to use Entangle, Muddy Terrain, or Quicksand?
At what point am I suppose to attack? I know, after about 10 seconds when most, if not all of the above skills/abilities are all on CD. At which point we begin to eat the C&D, Back Stabs and Heart Seekers. Move around swinging? So you take one, maybe two of our weak kitten damage before getting the BS off.
I play a ranger and thief, perhaps you should try playing a ranger.
Oh and I started out replying to PistolWhip, you jumped in with a reply to my post. I’ve been no more insulting to you as you have with me. Got a problem with what I have to say? Too bad. Don’t reply to someone and expect them to not have anything to say about it.
Stop discussing balance in my thread.
You hit the nail on the head. This is in no way a priority bug but it does need to be in due time as any bug which harms gameplay.
Thieves are annoying yes, on my warrior I’ve had to chase down a thief for 30 minutes before killing him due to staying in stealth the whole time. But thats all they are most of the time if they do that, annoying.
A well played ranger can also kite you for days before you even dent him.
This however isn’t a bug, because Anet intended for this and it is working as intended. If you dislike stealth as a mechanic you can find a new game or create your on thread on the subject, not derail mine with your personal prejudices.
Anet cares what I or any player post as a bug, this is for Anet not for you. On the contrary, no one cares how hard it is for you to beat a thief.
I don’t like the current state of mesmers either, and I haven’t been rolled by a ranger I don’t see where I wrote that on my post? When I encounter a full bunker ranger on any class I play, I just walk away. If I need the cap point I call in support because they are that tanky if played well. If you can’t beat whatever, do the same and learn to counter it for next time. If I can beat thieves on my warrior you can beat them on a ranger.
To clarify this thread is to bring Anet’s attention on the bug, I really hate all this off topic discussion, if I hadn’t given thief as the class I was playing during the event this wouldn’t happen. It just says miles about people’s prejudice and anger towards a class when Anet made them all, and they obviously want all their classes to succeed more than me or you or the next player who has nothing but class bias.
Now for the last time, unless you wish to talk about the bug and the bug alone I request you steer clear of this thread.
(edited by PistolWhip.2697)
I can give you another bug that’s sort of related and it can help a little too, if you or someone can sink him to the bottom he won’t be able to move or “pillar hump” until his pet rez becomes avalible because a bug glues rangers to the bottom of whatever puddle they are in if they accidentally touch it in downed state that should make it alot easier to burst said ranger in time.
I can give you another bug that’s sort of related and it can help a little too, if you or someone can sink him to the bottom he won’t be able to move or “pillar hump” until his pet rez becomes avalible because a bug glues rangers to the bottom of whatever puddle they are in if they accidentally touch it in downed state that should make it alot easier to burst said ranger in time.
Thank you for the information, I will try and use it to negate this bug at times. ^^
It sounds like that is a bug too, which I hope is also fixed for the Ranger’s sake… In general I feel the heap of bugs and difficulties with underwater combat is the reason its not in tournament map rotations. (Raid On The Capricorn that is).
I can give you another bug that’s sort of related and it can help a little too, if you or someone can sink him to the bottom he won’t be able to move or “pillar hump” until his pet rez becomes avalible because a bug glues rangers to the bottom of whatever puddle they are in if they accidentally touch it in downed state that should make it alot easier to burst said ranger in time.
Thank you for the information, I will try and use it to negate this bug at times. ^^
It sounds like that is a bug too, which I hope is also fixed for the Ranger’s sake… In general I feel the heap of bugs and difficulties with underwater combat is the reason its not in tournament map rotations. (Raid On The Capricorn that is).
I’d have to say though the by far most annoying one to me is thief perma evade in water, not technically a bug I know but it might aswell be because of how ridiculous it gets when someone evades every possible attack for 2minutes straight it’s quite comical though I have to admit.
I can give you another bug that’s sort of related and it can help a little too, if you or someone can sink him to the bottom he won’t be able to move or “pillar hump” until his pet rez becomes avalible because a bug glues rangers to the bottom of whatever puddle they are in if they accidentally touch it in downed state that should make it alot easier to burst said ranger in time.
Thank you for the information, I will try and use it to negate this bug at times. ^^
It sounds like that is a bug too, which I hope is also fixed for the Ranger’s sake… In general I feel the heap of bugs and difficulties with underwater combat is the reason its not in tournament map rotations. (Raid On The Capricorn that is).
I’d have to say though the by far most annoying one to me is thief perma evade in water, not technically a bug I know but it might aswell be because of how ridiculous it gets when someone evades every possible attack for 2minutes straight it’s quite comical though I have to admit.
Lol I agree, I remember the first time I ever made a thief I was like…kitten? You can keep doing this? Me and my friend who plays a thief keep pointing out how hilarious it is to be honest. Though I heard they will finally change it in this coming patch so, fingers crossed.
Stop discussing balance in my thread.@Eliam
You hit the nail on the head. This is in no way a priority bug but it does need to be in due time as any bug which harms gameplay.@Mortis
Thieves are annoying yes, on my warrior I’ve had to chase down a thief for 30 minutes before killing him due to staying in stealth the whole time. But thats all they are most of the time if they do that, annoying.
A well played ranger can also kite you for days before you even dent him.
This however isn’t a bug, because Anet intended for this and it is working as intended. If you dislike stealth as a mechanic you can find a new game or create your on thread on the subject, not derail mine with your personal prejudices.
Anet cares what I or any player post as a bug, this is for Anet not for you. On the contrary, no one cares how hard it is for you to beat a thief.
I don’t like the current state of mesmers either, and I haven’t been rolled by a ranger I don’t see where I wrote that on my post? When I encounter a full bunker ranger on any class I play, I just walk away. If I need the cap point I call in support because they are that tanky if played well. If you can’t beat whatever, do the same and learn to counter it for next time. If I can beat thieves on my warrior you can beat them on a ranger.
To clarify this thread is to bring Anet’s attention on the bug, I really hate all this off topic discussion, if I hadn’t given thief as the class I was playing during the event this wouldn’t happen. It just says miles about people’s prejudice and anger towards a class when Anet made them all, and they obviously want all their classes to succeed more than me or you or the next player who has nothing but class bias.
Now for the last time, unless you wish to talk about the bug and the bug alone I request you steer clear of this thread.
I have no problem with thieves. I was making a point that pets have a horrid mechanice and they can’t dodge. So we’re essentially giving free might to them that they can steal if we even choose to take advantage of these ‘buffs’ being given to us.
I agree with you that the point bunker holder ranger build is op but you have to understand it’s ONE specific build that has a VERY specific purpose , I think most rangers agree. It’s silly, but it’s because of the playstyle involved not necessarily the class/pet itself but also because equipment mixture is very different from WvW where other classes benefit from it far greater in WvW than the ranger does giving it a much bigger disadvantage to say: Bunker Eles, High Condi Engis, Bunker High Healing Guardians (keep in mind im talking people who are good with those specs, alot of rangers will jump in here and disagree but they also just fighting roaming garbage, so there’s that). That very same style of build doesn’t compete at all near the level as it does in WvW because you don’t need to sit on a point and eat pet dmg to make an effect on the situation.
The issue is here, why does every ranger build in other areas of the game that are completely separate from both style and environment are seeing these very nerfs when they’re not warranted at all. Every complaint came from PvP , not one complaint is from WvW because it’s a non-issue in WvW because like I said , you’re not forced to eat pet damage in a point contesting something and fighting the ranger at the same time. It’s a gamechanger in PvP though, and for that it is VERY op.
I just disagree completely with the route being taken to nerf pets across the board when these pets are borderline useless and most rangers simply use pets for CC in WvW as the pathing is terrible and kiting them is much easier. Most run canines in WvW and cats are simply for passive condition application moreso than burst. You will hardly see a ranger running a burst cat/bird bunker regen spec in WvW like it’s being run in PvP. This nerf does nothing but penalize every ranger for one OP ranger build being over-used in PvP, it’s kittening ridiculous.
And also ill add to this that you’re talking about me being prejudice about a class when you’re calling the entire ranger class OP because we have ONE spec where WE ARE also being pushed into a completely bunker point holding spec, that’s all we have that provides team usefulness in PvP. So it’s not our fault, yet now all of our builds are seeing a nerf and being penalized for it in EVERY area of the game when it’s only being used in PvP. It’s selfish on every other class’s part not to see this just as much.
(edited by Ryan.8367)
I have no problem with thieves. I was making a point that pets have a horrid mechanice and they can’t dodge. So we’re essentially giving free might to them that they can steal if we even choose to take advantage of these ‘buffs’ being given to us.
I agree with you that the point bunker holder ranger build is op but you have to understand it’s ONE specific build that has a VERY specific purpose , I think most rangers agree. It’s silly, but it’s because of the playstyle involved not necessarily the class/pet itself but also because equipment mixture is very different from WvW where other classes benefit from it far greater in WvW than the ranger does giving it a much bigger disadvantage to say: Bunker Eles, High Condi Engis, Bunker High Healing Guardians (keep in mind im talking people who are good with those specs, alot of rangers will jump in here and disagree but they also just fighting roaming garbage, so there’s that). That very same style of build doesn’t compete at all near the level as it does in WvW because you don’t need to sit on a point and eat pet dmg to make an effect on the situation.
The issue is here, why does every ranger build in other areas of the game that are completely separate from both style and environment are seeing these very nerfs when they’re not warranted at all. Every complaint came from PvP , not one complaint is from WvW because it’s a non-issue in WvW because like I said , you’re not forced to eat pet damage in a point contesting something and fighting the ranger at the same time. It’s a gamechanger in PvP though, and for that it is VERY op.
I just disagree completely with the route being taken to nerf pets across the board when these pets are borderline useless and most rangers simply use pets for CC in WvW as the pathing is terrible and kiting them is much easier. Most run canines in WvW and cats are simply for passive condition application moreso than burst. You will hardly see a ranger running a burst cat/bird bunker regen spec in WvW like it’s being run in PvP. This nerf does nothing but penalize every ranger for one ranger build being used in PvP, it’s kittening ridiculous.
Though I said no more balance, I will give this a pass as it has some very good and agreeable points. I still would prefer split balancing, often this happens to classes when it shouldn’t, and Ranger is the recent victim.
I understand Anet’s want to make the game modes consistent, and to keep the gameplay smooth feeling, but this is yet another example of why split balancing would be a better solution. Honestly, I’ve met super bunker rangers in WvW too, and I have the option to walk away if I’am not on the appropriate class or spec with the right tools, but SPvP Conquest mode is different entirely. Plus pets right now can be viewed as OP 1v1, I honestly think some of their damage for going bunker on Ranger is ridiculous, but Pets in settings like Dungeons and WvW are also on the far opposite end of the spectrum and can cause a lot of issues, and become very UP. I personally don’t know how you’d balance it but, I agree with your points, its not fair. For rangers or any class in that situation.
You can’t dictate who has a say in your thread. This forum doesn’t offer such privileges (thankfully). Oh and no more balance talk, unless you happen to agree with what is being said? Get kittening real. You came on the Ranger forums kittening about some bug that is only an issue in one specific scenario within pvp (funny how in WvW people tend not to have a problem dps’ing a downed ranger underwater before lick wounds becomes available).
But if you want to talk of forum moderation (derailing), then here was where this thread should’ve been made..
You can’t dictate who has a say in your thread. This forum doesn’t offer such privileges (thankfully). Oh and no more balance talk, unless you happen to agree with what is being said? Get kittening real. You came on the Ranger forums kittening about some bug that is only an issue in one specific scenario within pvp (funny how in WvW people tend not to have a problem dps’ing a downed ranger underwater before lick wounds becomes available).
But if you want to talk of forum moderation (derailing), then here was where this thread should’ve been made..
More QQ…
You can’t dictate who has a say in your thread. This forum doesn’t offer such privileges (thankfully). Oh and no more balance talk, unless you happen to agree with what is being said? Get kittening real. You came on the Ranger forums kittening about some bug that is only an issue in one specific scenario within pvp (funny how in WvW people tend not to have a problem dps’ing a downed ranger underwater before lick wounds becomes available).
But if you want to talk of forum moderation (derailing), then here was where this thread should’ve been made..
More QQ…
Please don’t, we’ve seen enough crying from you already and really don’t need to see any more.
You can’t dictate who has a say in your thread. This forum doesn’t offer such privileges (thankfully). Oh and no more balance talk, unless you happen to agree with what is being said? Get kittening real. You came on the Ranger forums kittening about some bug that is only an issue in one specific scenario within pvp (funny how in WvW people tend not to have a problem dps’ing a downed ranger underwater before lick wounds becomes available).
But if you want to talk of forum moderation (derailing), then here was where this thread should’ve been made..
More QQ…
Please don’t, we’ve seen enough crying from you already and really don’t need to see any more.
Wow, you make a request that people stay on topic and this happens^.