Ranger Spirits Bugged?

Ranger Spirits Bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kwgrooms.6140


I did some testing tonight in a post-victory dungeon situation, as I noticed a potential problem earlier in the evening. I drop sun, stone and frost spirit. Obviously, it’s hard to tell when the 10% damage bonus of frost spirit kicks in.

However, when traited with Vigorous Spirits, both Sun Spirit and Stone Spirit have a 70% chance to trigger ON HIT, both protection and burning.

From my testing, my first 5 attacks stack burning, and I usually get 1 or 2 stacks of protection. Then, I get roughly one tick of burning and protection for every 15-20 hits.

Maybe I am missing something with the mechanic, but a 70% chance to cause burning and protection from the two spirits should trigger more than every 15-20 hits.

Let me know if anyone else sees this issue. I will keep testing and give an update here if I am wrong, but as far as I can see, it seems bugged.


Ranger Spirits Bugged?

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kwgrooms.6140


UPDATE: Just did more testing on veteran pinesouls, so I could get more hits in. The best run of applying burning that I had was 3 out of 21 hits. That is the only time out of several fights that I got more than burning to trigger more than twice. All fights were at least 10 hits, all but one time were 2 or less burning triggers.