Ranger Sword #3 Serpent Strike failing

Ranger Sword #3 Serpent Strike failing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nocturnal Lunacy.8563

Nocturnal Lunacy.8563

So this has been going on for quite a long time. When trying to use the ranger sword #3 Serpent’s Strike it will do the animation but not hit the poison. It seems like it goes too far away to actually hit. After to multiple tests it fails 7 times out of 10 tries. Other players have expressed that this is not an issue with them while others say it is so either some aren’t noticing it or its only affecting certain players. I made a video of what it is doing and it is on YouTube, I will link the video.
By the way you may want to turn the volume down. YouTube felt the need to overwrite the music that was on there with different music and it is too loud.

Forever Against Stacked Servers
Virual [VRUS] Alien Lunatics [StFu] Nocturnal Sxaddx [Nuts] Ft. Aspenwood
That which is dead may eternally lie, but with great aeons even death may die.

Ranger Sword #3 Serpent Strike failing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nocturnal Lunacy.8563

Nocturnal Lunacy.8563

Going to bump this until anet responds. At least with saying they’ve seen it. This has been a very annoying bug and it’s been going on for too long and hasn’t been fixed through so many bug patches.

Forever Against Stacked Servers
Virual [VRUS] Alien Lunatics [StFu] Nocturnal Sxaddx [Nuts] Ft. Aspenwood
That which is dead may eternally lie, but with great aeons even death may die.

Ranger Sword #3 Serpent Strike failing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nocturnal Lunacy.8563

Nocturnal Lunacy.8563

Bumping again. C’mon Anet at least respond.

Forever Against Stacked Servers
Virual [VRUS] Alien Lunatics [StFu] Nocturnal Sxaddx [Nuts] Ft. Aspenwood
That which is dead may eternally lie, but with great aeons even death may die.

Ranger Sword #3 Serpent Strike failing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Rabbi Rick.3194

Rabbi Rick.3194

1. It is against the Forum rules to continually bump a thread.
2. As your thread is just barely a day old, bumping it is pointless.
3. Anet does not “Reply” to bug report threads, they note them, put them on the schedule, and then deal with them appropriately.
4. Finally, IT IS SUNDAY, the weekend, while Arenanet customer service works 24/7, Arenanet programmers, writers, developers, etc. do not. Therefore, they will likely not even see this thread until well after the week gets underway tomorrow (in about 12 hours from the time of this message.

Rabbi Rick
Proud member of the Ring of 1000

Ranger Sword #3 Serpent Strike failing

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Nocturnal Lunacy.8563

Nocturnal Lunacy.8563

After talking to other rangers it seems this is an issue with Norn. I’ve experienced it on my Sylvari ranger but not as oftern. It only fails about 2x out of 10 on my sylvari.

Forever Against Stacked Servers
Virual [VRUS] Alien Lunatics [StFu] Nocturnal Sxaddx [Nuts] Ft. Aspenwood
That which is dead may eternally lie, but with great aeons even death may die.