Ranger Trait Bug
Just wondering what we need to do to get anet to do their job.
And back to the top.
I have traited into the longer distance for my long bow and have not experienced any issues with it. In fact a few guild mates of mine have retraited to include that extra distance for the long bow once they saw how far I could shoot mine.
Don’t see how it works for off hand items. I use a War Horn and Axe for my second weapon set…works great for mid-range for me.
I haven’t personally noticed a problem with Off-Hand Training.
In reference to Eagle Eye, however, it does extend your range. The problem comes in that the game sorta thinks it doesn’t, so your auto-attack (and vaguely to moderately untrustworthy range indicators) don’t work properly. You can, however, manually activate skills that will hit at the longer ranges.
The main issue is the range indicator and auto attacks don’t work properly and their for are bugged. Not sure why anet can not clean their code up and make these things work. Engineer turret traits, runes not working, sigils with the wrong info. Come on anet lets have you guys get to work.