Ranger bugs

Ranger bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: OliverT.9021


Not sure if this has been highlighted before, or if I need to make a video to show proof of it. I was told that if I posted it on reddit, and put a video there, the bugs get fixed faster.

1. Ranger Longbow trait -
Increasing longbow and harpoon range to 1,500. The longbow #4 skill is still at 1,200 in the skill description. Any enemy that is more than 1,200 range no longer auto-attacks even though this was traited. You have to press #1 non-stop even though you are not out of range and your arrows hit.

2. Spirits Tooltip -
When traited, spirits have increased HP and increased from 35% to 70% to give you the boons on attack. However, the tooltip still shows 35% after traiting, so I don’t know if I can trust the trait at all.

3. Party buffs -
When I am in a party, priority of the buffs goes to my party members first before other people. In wvw, when we stack on the commander, and I use my pet’s special skill, for example, the juvenile jungle stalker, it’s supposed to give 5 stacks of might. No one in my party gets it.

Not even me. I don’t even get the 5 stacks of might myself.

But when I use my warhorn skill #5 to blast a fire field, everyone in my party gets the might buff, fury and swiftness.

4. Pets special attacks do not cast –
When I am running away from an enemy, I send my pet, the krytan drakehound to immobilize my enemy to allow me to escape. However, as soon as I am out of a certain range of the pet, even though I have clicked on it to cast, it stops casting halfway and runs towards me.

It only casts the immobilize when I am near the pet, i.e. I cannot run away, which counters the very point I have it. I am not able to use my pets special skill as a getaway mechanic. Yet, as I run, my pet continues to aggro and attack the pursuer, putting me in combat speed mode.

Ranger bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Sleepwalker.2873


Please note that longbow #4 only has a range of 900 and longbow trait adds 300 to the range. The other skills have a range of 1200, which makes it 1500 except for #4.

I also do not have the issue that you mentioned as I always use the red ‘out of range’ warning on skill 4 as an indicator that I’m above 1200 range to inflict max damage with #1 (max damage at 1000+ range). My skill #1 still will still auto attack between 1200 and 1500.

The only time when it does not auto attack and still hit the enemy is when I’m over the 1500 range with Piercing arrow trait (not sure if trait is a factor) as the arrows keep flying over 1500 units. This is indicated by the red out of range bar at the bottom of the skill #1 box.

Ranger bugs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: OliverT.9021


Ah okay. How about this one?

Tool tip says the juvenile jungle stalker gives 5 stacks of might for 19.5 seconds. I only got 14 seconds.
