Ranger weakened by bug (tPvP)
Now, for the sake of bug hunting, I’m making no assumptions about you. Please understand you are probably better at this than me. Are you sure that you did not get dazed, interrupted, or somehow cancelled the animation from the trap?
A lot of Rangers have seen, and reported, this bug, including me. Has nothing to do with interrupts. Join an empty server on Khylo, hit the clocktower, drop your traps, and watch as they disappear into the ether.
Now, for the sake of bug hunting, I’m making no assumptions about you. Please understand you are probably better at this than me. Are you sure that you did not get dazed, interrupted, or somehow cancelled the animation from the trap?
It’s ok I would be cautious about believing someone straight up about a bug like this.
BUT I have played 250+ PvP games with my ranger (I don’t PvE), and I have tried setting traps in the clocktower at least 50 times (I usually pray that one day it will work…for some reason :P), and every single time without fail it hasn’t worked. 100% a bug.
Now this part I’m not 100% sure about, what I think is that the trap doesn’t think that the inside of the clocktower is a surface – and so ithe trap kind of falls straight through it. The reason I think this is that I’ve seen a necromancer fall straight through the clocktower once and get stuck there.
Anyway I just really hope Arena net are at least aware of this…it’s a seriously huge bug for my class and really effects my competitive play
Well they have seen this thread, this much I know. You see, I requested it to be moved to ‘bug reports’, and lo and behold, they did move this thread to bug reports.
Well forum mod =/= Arena Net bug fixing team :P
You still can’t use traps in the clocktower. I experienced the very same issue. Its impossible to win against another player in the clocktower now. You guys should realy look into this. It destroys the build for strucktured pvp.