Rangers in downed state have 8 skills
It sounds fair to me, there is no reason why rangers shouldn’t be able to command
their pet while downed. It makes sense to me, they can still speak and shout, they’re
not stunned, just downed.
I don’t play ranger, but the last thing they need is another downgrade. Maybe the pet
commands should even remain visible in the downed state, so all rangers know they
can still command their pets, to make it an official non-bug.
So 7 professions have access to 4 skills while downed, and one can have 8? I wouldn’t mind that they could use their their pet if the ranger had only 2 skills downed: “throw dirt” and “bandage”, not that “lick wounds” that full heals you in 3 seconds.
But no worries, lessons learned, I know how to overcome this case next time I’m facing it. I’m not complaining about that.
It’s not as if the downed state is balanced among the other classes either (damage dealing capability, healing capability, etc is all very different), so nerfing the pet mechanic wouldn’t exactly make things even. If its not working as intended obviously that’d be something, but it seems to me that’s how it was designed.
[TAS] – The Asuran Squad
Devona’s Rest
i got downed and killed by a warrior. trick is, i downed him much earlier, but he popped vengeance and finished me off.
ranger is already rather pitiful in its current state, i say let them keep their pets while downed.
also, it’s not a bug, it’s intended: there are traits in the beastmastery line specifically designed to buff the pet when the ranger gets downed. so i suggest you bring your thread to the PvP forums.
Okay, you convinced me: don’t remove their pet.
But the issue remains, they still have too many skills. So I’m asking to reduce their number of skills. Remove the downed skills 2 and 3 would be normal, I think, given they still have their pets.
Like minionmancer and illusions, the pet should stay out and damage.
But I’d like to see the four F keys blocked for all classes equally. Imagine a necro going into death shroud after downed …