"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: Khaos.6512


Today is 11/2/2012, and I am currently playing my level 49 ranger in the Diessa Plateau zone on the Blackgate server. On occassion, I see “Raw Candy Corn” node text when I hold my left-Control key. It is only visible for a split second when it occurs and then vanishes. The actual candy corn model for the node itself is not visible, just the text that would normally be hovering above it.

Has anyone experienced this?

EDIT: Actually, after seeing this occur even more, the 3D model for the raw candy corn harvesting node is in fact visible as well for the same amount of time the node text is visible. How strange.

(edited by Khaos.6512)

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: Under Web.2497

Under Web.2497

SAME bug for me since the update Fireheart rise zone

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: Phalanix.7542


OMG, I thought I was seeing things! I could’ve sworn I saw an orange candy corn node on my screen for a brief second, but when I turned to look again it was gone. LOL

Looks like the Mad King’s realm is still fused with ours somehow – kitten temporal anomalies!

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: Liliana Moore.4237

Liliana Moore.4237

Now when the Halloween event is over I suppose the Corn nodes should be removed from the game but

I can still see Raw Candy Corn in the game world showing up briefly for a few second – especially in places I have never been before.
I can not target or mine them , they do not show up on the minimap.

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: Jason King.2647

Jason King.2647

Live Response Embed

Thanks for the reports! Our designers are looking at the issue.

ArenaNet Community Team
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"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: Fishbait.6723


Same in WvWs, the teasing lil` things giving us a sly flash of candy reality.

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"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: Arcanorum Ignis.9218

Arcanorum Ignis.9218

So I’m not crazy?
I was in Fireheart Rise, and could have sworn that ‘Raw Candy Corn’ flashed up on my screen somewhere.

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: Rajani Isa.6294

Rajani Isa.6294

It’s hard to prove a negative. Just because what you saw was really there doesn’t mean you are not crazy :p

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: Aveneo.2068


Same thing for me. Was in Frostgorge again for the first time since halloween and suddenly saw a candy corn node in the distance for a split second and then vanish.

I’ve also noticed however that the game becomes more sluggish the longer you play. Normally I never had these issues, but today I had to quit the game because I had only 9fps in WvW while standing in an empty tower.

Also, the rendering issues seem to be back.

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"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: Euphoria.4068


This had me thinking I was crazy, the guys on TS with me thought I was just seeing things because of all the raw candy corn nodes I farmed and in the end getting annoyed at seeing lol

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(edited by Euphoria.4068)

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: Midnight.9205


I too thought I was going slightly loopy when I saw this happen in the Bloodtide Coast earlier today!

It disappeared very quickly, and I was unable to make it reappear by moving away and coming back.

No biggie, but just adding to the location list/confirmation it’s happening

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: Hobie Kytty.5691

Hobie Kytty.5691

I’m seeing them all over the map and just want to take a pick axe to em.

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: lynspottery.6529


Yesterday we were running through Sparkfly Fen opening up the map and getting way points, poi’s and the like. What I noticed was a node on my mini map that when I moused over it, it said it was candy corn…whoops? did I see that right?

Just as I ran to the location the node disappeared completely. But for one brief moment I saw Candy Corn standing in the spot then it was gone.

Seems there are some ghosts of candy corn nodes out there still. I thought these had been removed with the patch we got yesterday.

(edited by lynspottery.6529)

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: Katreyn.4218


Yeah I’ve been seeing this too (Candy corn). They don’t show up on mini map, just appear out of thin air in certain spots then disappear.

Seen them ranging from Lornar’s Pass to Cursed Shore.

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: Christopher.8049


Seen a couple of them too, Thought I’d had too much coffee

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"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: Blaaaaaaag.7480


i’ve seen them flicker into existance briefly both in front of my toon and on the mini map. My guildmates called me crazy. Well I’ll show them how crazy a bucket dances!

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: wildcode.5403


Same, see it briefly before it vanishes into thin air

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: Gilosean.3805


I’ve also seen this, in Caledon Forest. Doesn’t seem to have any other impact.

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: lynspottery.6529


oops…sorry, meant candy corn.

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: Lysico.4906


shocking news.. Anet has another bug

Don’t worry.. 3 patches and might be fixed

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: Eirikr.8047


I saw this once today too. Thought I was having flashback from too much candy :p

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: DeadPhone.3084


I just saw one near the Level 5 Skill point in Plains of Ashford North West of Graysteel Armory Waypoint.

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: zbrkesbr.4173


Saw them in EB in WvWvW…

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"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: Rinbox.2570


i’ve seen this bug a good half dozen times now all in different zones including WvW

i almost got lucky this morning and mined one. i was a good foot away from it when it appeared suddenly and then disappeared

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: JayMack.8295


This is as a result of your character undergoing candy corn addiction.

Or there are a guild of trolling Mesmers running around Tyria.

But yeah, I’ve seen it, too.

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: Mad Queen Malafide.7512

Mad Queen Malafide.7512

I see them a lot in world versus world too on Aurora Glade. Definitely confirmed.

“Madness is just another way to view reality”

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: Nalora.7964


I bug reported this thru the usual bug report in game. Still seeing them today.

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"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: Fergles.4812


On Tarnished Coast this happened to me in Queensland yesterday. I thought I was just seeing things because it appeared for a moment and then it was gone.

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: Shatters.7315


And i tought i was going mad, seeing those candy corn mines for a split second and then dissappearing in WvW

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: LightningLockey.5938


Same here, but then again with GW2 we should always first assume it to be a bug then do a sanity check later.

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: FeralSneed.5629


I’ve had this issue as well in WvW borderlands as well as Iron Marches.

On a side note, if Anet could reproduce this bug and next year, maybe starting Oct 1, we start seeing candy corn out of the corner of our eyes that would be amazing.

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: jwburks.9735


I have seen raw candy corn nodes appear suddenly, and then vanish just as quickly. Kind of reminds me of the movie projector scene in Fight Club. I wonder if anyone has been fast enough to actually mine these ghost nodes? That should be an achievement.

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"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: Poundsmack.1506


I’ve seen it about 4 times now today.

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: jokermo.3058


same here but it could be possible its like the mad kings realm breaking thru?

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: StygSec.7163


I managed to mine one today while picking Strawberries.

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: Paradox.5498


I saw one on my minimap last night in the Mount Maelstrom map, and I briefly saw the 3D-model of a candy corn mining node a while later (not the same location but still in Mt M)

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Gilosean.3805


This is as a result of your character undergoing candy corn addiction.

Or there are a guild of trolling Mesmers running around Tyria.

But yeah, I’ve seen it, too.

Either of those options would be great ways to explain this in-game. And we’ve already got the NPC Hit-U-PC trolling guild, why can’t we have a guild of for-the-lulz mesmers? It makes so much sense!

"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: Miss Lana.5276

Miss Lana.5276

I’m only necroing this thread because I am also having the exact same issue. It’s not just been in certain maps though, it’s been everywhere. The icon even flashes up on my minimap. I’ve gone crazy in Obsidian Sanctum because I was trying to find this mythical node!

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"Raw Candy Corn" harvesting nodes briefly visible after Halloween special event

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Posted by: Valandil Dragonhart.2371

Valandil Dragonhart.2371

I find mining nodes of ANY sort will pop up briefly on the minimap and then just as quickly disappear.

I see these phantom nodes all over the place while taking some alts through the game and in many different areas.

This is something that should have been fixed not long after it was reported, but it’s still here now.

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