Recent Maintenance - Friends List Problems.

Recent Maintenance - Friends List Problems.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Awkward.1286


The last week i had added many people from a few other guilds that was in regards to an alliance.

Now after this maintenance, all the nicknames i had set to show which guild they are from, have been removed.
Also now i cannot even change/give nicknames for the people on my friends list without crashing.

This is and the “party display problems” along with the “guild vanishing” problems, im starting to get pretty annoyed at the simple things.

Recent Maintenance - Friends List Problems.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Awkward.1286


Restarting the client did not fix my crash problem, when giving the players on my friends list the nicknames they once had.

A Reboot of my Computer fixed my crashing problem, when giving the players on my friends list the nicknames they once had.

I still have alot of missing nicknames.
I know this is a fickle problem, and can easily replace, but what if a full friends list and lose all of the nicknames.
That would be really annoying.

Not sure if the nickname system went silly with adding nicknames to people who are online or offline, i lose nicknames to people who i added while online and offline.

Recent Maintenance - Friends List Problems.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Awkward.1286


Nicknames is a pain in the butt to add all over again.

Please don’t do this kind of thing again next maintenance or patch or anything.