My tailor has a recipe to craft the item with ID 63366. This is shown as a rune, but it has no name. The link in chat shows as [ ]. The rune also shows no bonuses for using it.
This is consistent both in English and German as well as with what the API reports.
I have not crafted it (and why would I), so I don’t know if the recipe is flawed and would produce a proper item.
Also, I’m not sure why or from where I have the recipe. But I had learned a new recipe, by using a sheet, recently. I don’t remember exactly what the recipe sheet said, though. But it had something to do with upgrading weapons (skins?). (Huh? Armor crafting professions creating weapon upgrades?!)
Yup it seems to be a known bug. I remember I read somewhere a dev saying that that recipe was “removed” as the item it produces wasn’t supposed to be craftable anymore. It seems some leftover was left behind…