Remove skyhammer map from the game

Remove skyhammer map from the game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: vove.2768


Seriously, this map [space- one more time great job with censoring the forums] is so bad and is so bugged. Why did it got introduced to the game? Of course the most kitteny thing and the only thing you can do there is push people down, but guess what? The map [space] is so kittenty made that you can get pushed down and get stuck in limbo because you can get up on the bottom floor (with wurms) which excludes you from the battle for a good ammount of time.

Was that the purpose of this map? 0 skills and pushbacks? I could vengeance and run into mobs, but what with classes that don’t have such an option? You are forced to heal yourself up and run into wurms or wait till you bleed out. Either way you waste a lot of time + you have to wait on respawn.

As you can see I’m alive with vengeance on, I popped it to get up faster and die faster to rez faster.

Seriously anet, when people asked for new pvp maps I guess they wanted something more competitive than pinball.


Remove skyhammer map from the game

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Shadey Dancer.2907

Shadey Dancer.2907

Its not my favorite map either. Just refuse to play it. Simples.