Repetitious Annoying NPC dialogs

Repetitious Annoying NPC dialogs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eastwind.7209


There are some NPCs that have really annoying short-loop dialogs. I’m not talking about bad salad jokes, I’m more annoyed by event NPCs that repeat their challenge endlessly and over a really large area.

I’m not able to take a Champion event NPC solo, so there’s nothing I can do but put up with their verbal challenges, over and over and over and over and over very repeatedly repetiously without end.

For example, the ‘Capture the Infinity Coil’ NPC in Mount Maelstrom. He can be heard all throughout Infiite Coil Reactor, Gauntlet Gulch, Sunken Droknah, and Whitland flats. Completing the hearts, POIs and vistas in this area takes more than a few minutes, and you have to listen to ‘You know, your failure is only funny if you try’ over and over and over and over and over very repetitiously without end.

After the 100th time, I really really really don’t want to hear this dialog again ever again.

Of course I can set dialog volume to zero. That must be what the developers are trying to get me to do.

Repetitious Annoying NPC dialogs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Squally.4963


He’s saying it because people are failing at the event and letting him reset.

Repetitious Annoying NPC dialogs

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Eypheha.5831


I agree that some of the repetitive, annoying comments made in some area of this particular area not only drive me to turn off the sound, but actually to just leave the area. Why on earth would someone have the idea that to annoy someone is a “good idea”? There are enough reminders of your failures or drive to succeed other than some lame, incessant, meaningless dribble that is forced to be heard if you want to try to have the background sound on. If you want the sound to be turned off, then you succeeded, I’ll turn the sound off in this area rather than listen the the "every 15 second loop of “Your failure is only amusing if you try.”

Well, you failed…and it’s not amusing.