- Colin Johanson while spamming key 1 in GW2
Report all my friends
- Colin Johanson while spamming key 1 in GW2
I guess stating you’re joking isn’t enough not to get infracted.
Anyway, as I’d said before, you raise a good point. Sure it might be useful for adding/reporting node-teleporting bots before they disappear, but otherwise, it’s screwy.
I have this problem sometimes when right clicking members of my guild from the guild panel. Only the Report option comes up, when really I want to invite them to party or whisper.
I reported this problem months ago, made a thread about it, nothing has changed.
If i log out and in again, i finally am able to have other options than “report”.
We probably have to live with it for another few months, until a patch fixes it.
Patch Notes From the Future!
- Fixed a bug where you could sometimes NOT report your friends.
This happens in wvw because you are not actually on your own server when you are out in wvw, so the player context menu breaks and treats it if you were clicking on an enemy.
Apathy Inc [Ai]
Sometimes when I want to invite someone into party, I have to manually write his full name into /invite. Right click on nameplate sometimes does not show the option to invite to the party.
Think it happens if your in overflow and they’re not.
Or something like that.
This happens in wvw because you are not actually on your own server when you are out in wvw, so the player context menu breaks and treats it if you were clicking on an enemy.
Ah that could explain it in my case. Thanks.