(edited by Doghouse.1562)
Resonating Chaos Orb has disappeared
You shouldn’t be able to delete it without getting a warning message, so let’s assume that isn’t the problem. The possibilities are:
- It’s in your bank and you can’t see it.
- It got moved to another toon (meaning you are as absent-minded as I am, so let’s hope not).
- You made the http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Chaos_Infused_Clay_Pot, which consumes the RCO.
- Something else, perhaps that the game did.
If it’s the first two, try using the word filter to help sort through inventory; I find that very handy. You might not have noticed (3), since you have a pot now instead of an orb.
If it’s none of those, I’d recommend contacting support. They should be able to help you troubleshoot; you aren’t likely to get individual attention by posting in the forums.
edit: fixed link, thanks to Stin Vec.3621
(edited by Illconceived Was Na.9781)
Very nice and helpful response, Illconceived Was Na.9781.
I think you meant to paste the Chaos Infused Clay Pot wiki link in #3 instead of the RCO wiki link as making the CICP consumes the RCO as you mention.
Just mentioning it to clear up any potential confusion.
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Very nice and helpful response, Illconceived Was Na.9781.
I think you meant to paste the Chaos Infused Clay Pot wiki link in #3 instead of the RCO wiki link as making the CICP consumes the RCO as you mention.
Just mentioning it to clear up any potential confusion.
I did indeed bork the link, so thanks for clearing up that confusion. (And thanks for the compliment at the start of your post.)
Thanks for the thoughtful replies, guys. I’d rechecked about half my characters when I finally twigged.
I’d not only already made the pot, but also planted the seed in it (late Tuesday night after the patch hit, so half asleep). I’d then accumulated enough clay for another Clay Pot (for stage 3). Came in this morning (only half awake, again), remembered the clay, forgot what it was for completely, made a new Clay Pot and then wondered what had happened to the “missing” mats…
“Coffee anomaly error….”.
(Cultivated Vine completed. Ta!)
(edited by Doghouse.1562)
Glad to hear this had a happy ending. Gz on your new acquisition. And… yeah, sorry you learned the hard way to never do high-end crafting, forging, or posting on the forums while half-asleep. The first two cause you to spend money unnecessarily and, well, the last, ’nuff said.
I love that word. Bork. Illconceived Was Na, your comments are frequently quite logic-filled, witty and humorous, well thought out and helpful, as well as your opinions/observations resonating quite well with my own. You frequently get +1s from me. I enjoy reading your posts and thank you for your continued presence on these forums.
Just wanted to take this opportunity to voice my appreciation.
Glad all is sorted and proper. Grats on the crafting accomplishments, Doghouse!
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I love that word. Bork.
Illconceived Was Na, your comments are frequently quite logic-filled, witty and humorous, well thought out and helpful, as well as your opinions/observations resonating quite well with my own. You frequently get +1s from me. I enjoy reading your posts and thank you for your continued presence on these forums.
Just wanted to take this opportunity to voice my appreciation.Glad all is sorted and proper. Grats on the crafting accomplishments, Doghouse!
Indeed – always nice to get considered, constructive suggestions and replies. Especially when ultimately the error is a stupid one such as this.
(Now “all” I have to do is steel my nerve to try and run the fractals to get the pristine relics I need for the final iteration. Remains to be seen whether that will ever happen – I don’t know why, but I genuinely have something akin to a phobia of PuGging instances; I get less worked up about going to the dentist…)
You are certainly not alone there, Doghouse.
As much as I would love to have Mawdrey and the bloodstone dust eating plant, I cannot even consider entering fractals with PuGs to acquire the pristine relics and I play completely solo with the exception of those I find assisting me with events in the world. I loathe required group play, especially to complete a back piece that is entirely living story related. This is the same reason I never have, nor never will finish the “personal” story; it is solo content until the very end and then requires a group to complete it.
Fractals should scale down based on how many players enter it so even solo players can take part in that game mode. Rift did a fantastic job with their “Chronicles”, I believe they were called (solo mini dungeons). I’m looking into attempting soloing certain fractals, though I doubt I will be capable of it. :\
If you want to see if we can 2-man them, feel free to message me some time. I’ve never set foot inside a fractal, but I am all for sticking together and going very, very slow through them if that is something you would like to give a try. Perhaps we can poke around and find a few more who have not done fractals that really want Mawdrey and are upset about the required pristine relics.
(perhaps Zaoda.1653 would be interested, they are pretty put out about fractals being needed as well and is a really nice person)
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(edited by StinVec.3621)
You can indeed duo fractals. My friend and I have been experimenting with new builds and synergies and trying it out. Since we’re wimps, we’ve stuck to L1-4, but we keep learning. There are only a tiny number of issues for smaller parties, not the least of which is that you can suffer a lot more damage, since aggro is always on one of you.
Personally, I’m glad that FotM doesn’t scale down with fewer players, because it makes victory all the more satisfying.
To prevent this thread from completely derailing from the original topic, I’m creating a new thread in “Players Helping Players” entitled, Duoing Fractals. It’s got a couple of tips that might be helpful (and if you have questions, of course, I’m happy to help).
re: Bork
Did you know that GW1 allowed you to change your preferred language from English/French/etc to BorkBorkBork? (If you own the game, it’s almost worth logging on just to see what that does.)
Thanks again, Stin for the compliments. Somehow, the egoist in me is well pleased (while the “realist” in me feels sure you have confused me with someone else ;-) )
(I do the same thing, though: I often PM people who are especially helpful on the forums. )
Oh yes, the Bork! Bork! Bork! language selection was good fun at times.