Ressing problems while in party.

Ressing problems while in party.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Perkan.6482


Hi everyone!

Im not acktualy 100% sure if its a bug but from what ive seen it is.

So im in any party doing things or just a dungeon and then i or anyone dies. However instead of just being able to ress at a waypoint nerby like usual the game says your in combat and forbids you to ress.

I whold have thout this where a uppdate case it never happend befor the newest uppdate “Frost and Flame” but it somtimes allow you to ress after one minute or two.

And this is not a problem just for me, the other in the party have the same problems as well. It is making serveral bosses and events impossible for me and i hope this gets fixed.

If anyone have the same problems or if it aktualy is a part of the uppdate please tell me so i know, because this is realy ruining the game for me at the moment.

Thank you for understanding.

Guild Wars 2 Gamer: Perkan

Ressing problems while in party.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Danno.5269


It’s not a bug. It’s an update to the game that doesn’t allow you or anyone to res if someone is in combat. They will have to manually revive you or finish without you or your defeated party members.

Ressing problems while in party.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Silvery Shadow.5036

Silvery Shadow.5036

Eared that it was another of the new “improvement”….although can’t understand why they did that…would anybody knows ?

Ressing problems while in party.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: ThaArchivist.3579


I have seen though that even if you are out of combat, if anyone is in combat you still only rez at in combat rate.

Ressing problems while in party.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


Eared that it was another of the new “improvement”….although can’t understand why they did that…would anybody knows ?

They do not want people to res/run while in dungeons,meaning one or 2 people keep fighting the boss while the others who were killed,just use the WP and run back quickly to get on the boss again while that other guy keeps the agrro so it does not reset.Theyr trying to stop this “exploiting”.

Ressing problems while in party.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Silvery Shadow.5036

Silvery Shadow.5036

They do not want people to res/run while in dungeons,meaning one or 2 people keep fighting the boss while the others who were killed,just use the WP and run back quickly to get on the boss again while that other guy keeps the agrro so it does not reset.Theyr trying to stop this “exploiting”.

Don’t know there…but looks to me that the “cure” is worst than the illness….

Ressing problems while in party.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: AlietteFaye.7316


Definitely not a bug. It’s intended to stop people from rez-rushing bosses. While it isn’t the best fix, I actually prefer it. Instead of people whining that bosses are too hard and it’s just rez-rushing, it’s forcing them to learn the mechanics of the fight. And it’s promoting your other party members to learn how important it is to get a downed party member back into the fight.

Ressing problems while in party.

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Caedmon.6798


They do not want people to res/run while in dungeons,meaning one or 2 people keep fighting the boss while the others who were killed,just use the WP and run back quickly to get on the boss again while that other guy keeps the agrro so it does not reset.Theyr trying to stop this “exploiting”.

Don’t know there…but looks to me that the “cure” is worst than the illness….

It is there for that exact reason,and tbh its much better,i like it that people now Have to stay alive,and be carefull with what they do,much better then this res run bull.