Revenant Biography Bug - missing Blindfolds

Revenant Biography Bug - missing Blindfolds

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: mechownik.5730



If no one noticed Revenant biography is bugged from the very beginning, from the release of HoT.
Namely, using the warrior background class, like that is some generic background, and selected by the player blindfold does not even appear, similarly, inset “I’m revenant …” – almost as if the game does not detect class while typing characters in the story.
It also shows attachments.

Of course, this is a small problem, visual, does not affect the gameplay, but the fact how long? year? Nothing has been done about this, creating impression as if revenant had not left beta. It’s just sad.

Some time ago I saw similar post referring to this bug, but was ignored, and the moderator closed it.
Is it really that big problem, that you have its sweep under the rug? ^ ^"

And excuse my English, but I hope that presented the issue clearly.


(edited by mechownik.5730)