Revenant ability: Vengeful Hammers

Revenant ability: Vengeful Hammers

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Warchiefomega.2738


Hey Anet, i have noticed this bug with the vengeful hammers in spvp (not sure if present in pvp because I haven’t tested it). If you are using the ability and run into a wall it will turn off the ability which i doubt is what is intended. Thats about it for bugs I have noticed


Revenant ability: Vengeful Hammers

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Omnibus.9367


It’s not just the hammers, any skill that involves movement, like unrelenting assault, or sometimes even upkeep skills (like assassin’s superspeed/quickness), will just stop if you are near a wall or object. On top of which you can’t even use unrelenting assault on small objects like turrets “No valid path to target”. I’ve also had numerous issues of not being able to use a skill on an enemy literally right in front of me “Target is obstructed”. There’s no object there, no height/angle/gradient change what-so-ever, but the skill just won’t work AND it goes on cooldown. Same with out of range. if the target is 5 yards out of range or moves out of range during a skill activation, it says out of range and goes on cooldown. These things are highly frustrating and I hope they get fixed T_T

Revenant ability: Vengeful Hammers

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kenny leone.2973

kenny leone.2973

I’ve noticed this as well, your upkeep skills randomly deactivate when you still have energy or just turn off after u turn it on, refusing to stay on, unrelenting assault need some looking at as well because it stops attacking randomly at times, the activate time is quite long as well meaning, if you opponent happens to step out of range a little, the ability cancels and goes on the full cooldown. rather than the 5 secs as normal

Revenant ability: Vengeful Hammers

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: kenny leone.2973

kenny leone.2973

also when you down a target when you had the vengeful hammers up, the ability stays running down you energy but hammers disappear and deal no damage, please fix this