Revenant bugs since BWE2 (still in live)

Revenant bugs since BWE2 (still in live)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dreggon.6598


  • Hammer skill 3 Phase Smash: The stated range is 1200 and can be targeted as such; however, you will only leap 900 range and deal damage at 900 range. The blast finisher will take place at the targeted location (i.e. if you target 1200 away, you will blast finish at 1200 range, but deal damage at 900 range).
  • Hammer skill 2 – Does not deal damage at 1200 range – see above fixed. Thank you!!
  • Sword skill 1 Preparation Thrust/Brutal Blade: These skills do not state their maximum number of targets; Preparation Thrust hits more than one, but does not state this. I don’t know how many Brutal Blade can hit.
  • Invocation major master trait Equilibrium: The damage and healing from this trait does not show up in the combat log.
  • Ventari’s Will – The healing from this skill does not show up in the combat log.
  • Herald major adept trait Hardening Persistence: This trait does not apply toughness if you use upkeep skills before selecting it. It also doesn’t remove toughness if you select it, activate upkeep skills, then deselect it.
  • Herald major grandmaster trait Soothing Bastion: States that it increases boon duration by 2 seconds while using a shield skill, but does not do this. Tested with resistance, then used a skill – duration did not increase.
  • Glint facets do not work underwater.
  • Glint’s elite does not grant superspeed to yourself.

(edited by Dreggon.6598)

Revenant bugs since BWE2 (still in live)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dreggon.6598


another bug: Reservation skills disable themselves when you move to different map areas that downscale your level. Sort of hard to describe this one.

Revenant bugs since BWE2 (still in live)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dreggon.6598


hey a new one: When your whirly hammers from the Jalis legend hit a spawning or invulnerable enemy, the hammer will despawn and you have to turn the skill off and on again to get them back.

cmon people these are great bugs

Revenant bugs since BWE2 (still in live)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dreggon.6598


there’s another one to get the full 20 second duration out of your ventari tablet bubble after the tablet vanishes from swapping legends but I don’t have a repro on it

Revenant bugs since BWE2 (still in live)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dreggon.6598


underwater mallyx abilities use the old skill facts with displacements and such

Revenant bugs since BWE2 (still in live)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dreggon.6598


underwater glint doesn’t work at all

Revenant bugs since BWE2 (still in live)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dreggon.6598


There is an extremely critical bug with something I have posted here but I will need some sort okittennowledgement that anything here is being fixed before I’m willing to share it point out that I’ve already mentioned it

Revenant bugs since BWE2 (still in live)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dreggon.6598


Uhhh…. Ventari doesn’t work underwater either! Yeah, that’s a bug.

Revenant bugs since BWE2 (still in live)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dreggon.6598


oh wow it’s been a while! hey how about some fixes on these?

Revenant bugs since BWE2 (still in live)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Aury.1367


Another Bug for Sword skill 3: If the enemy is stand close to a wall, it will only teleport 1-2 times and stop afterwards. Ye, because theres a wall. Also if standing next to a WvW wall, player is hitting the enemy, then the wall, the enemy and so on.

Revenant bugs since BWE2 (still in live)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Dreggon.6598


its bumpin time again

Revenant bugs since BWE2 (still in live)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Wiella.8567


Also a weird issue I’ve seen many times now – Glint facets uptime simply keep resetting for some yet unknown reason in some places. For example Facet of Elements – activating uptime -> waiting 1-2 seconds -> woop! uptime resetted and I can activate it again.

The 100% chance to reproduce it – go to Bloomhunger boss in fractals – they ALWAYS reset they every second or two while you are fighting that boss. Also seen that in TD map a lot of times while running with squads.

Tried to find out why that might happen but so far it seems to happen 100% of the time in some maps/places (like Bloomhunger fight, but not before it) and bug out sometimes at some maps (like TD) and then it just sticks to you until you restart the game I think. It is hard to say exactly because it happens randomly and I always noticed that too late to find the possible cause of this.

(edited by Wiella.8567)

Revenant bugs since BWE2 (still in live)

in Bugs: Game, Forum, Website

Posted by: Stormrider.5206


I have another one, Unrelenting assault + Impossible odds, you all know it gives quickness and haste, well I do move fast, I do attack fast also with any other attacks, but…. when you do unrelenting assault with impossible odds…. it doesn’t attack fast, even though I have quickness, I have a regular speed of Unrelenting assault. I remember in the first revenant beta I use to do this combo and was fast. Try it, your unrelenting assault with impossible odds will have a normal speed.